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  1. rjackh

    Coop Size

    Sorry, I frequently call the entire structure the "coop", when in reality, the coop is what I call "upstairs" and the downstairs is the run. The run is 4x8, upstairs coop is 4x3. Any way to integrate new birds in smaller spaces? Maybe some sort of soft release pen inside the run, or have the...
  2. rjackh

    Coop Size

    I know the rule of thumb is generally 2-3' per bird in the coop and 8-10' per bird in the run. My coop is 4x8', the upstairs is about 4x3'. I have kept 4 large breed hens at a time in this coop for several years without any problems. I let them out daily in the evenings to roam my entire...
  3. rjackh

    What size skirt for predator proofing

    I planned to level and lay these on the perimeter, not dig down 16" to have these sitting vertically. The critter trying to get into my coop would have to start digging at the front edge of the paver, dig down a few inches under the paver, then tunnel 16" horizontally to get up into the run...
  4. rjackh

    What size skirt for predator proofing

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. rjackh

    What size skirt for predator proofing

    I live in a city suburb and have a fenced yard. No bears or coyotes, but lots of possums and neighborhood cats. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. rjackh

    What size skirt for predator proofing

    Is 16" enough? I have a bunch of 16" square concrete pavers. I figured I could create a skirt with them for predator proofing and they would serve double duty to keep the coop elevated out of the dirt. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. rjackh

    PVC Brooder feeder

    I use this for feed, grit, and oyster with my adult birds. Has anyone successfully used a scaled down version in a brooder or grow pen? My chicks are about 3 weeks old and waste more feed than they eat with their current feeder. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. rjackh

    How much bedding do I need to buy??

    What kind of bedding? 60 L sounds like a lot. But I use sand & sweet PDZ which lasts a really long time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. rjackh

    fencing underground?

    Are you talking 2' straight down into the earth, or a 2' strip around the perimeter just a few inches underground? I was going to do the second method on my current build. No way I am digging a 2' deep trench. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. rjackh

    Brooder substrate

    Can I put a sand/sweet PDZ mixture in my brooder for chicks just like I would a coop for adult birds? Thanks.
  11. rjackh

    What Are Some Things to Add in a Coop So it Stays Clean?

    PVC feeder and poultry nipple waterer are awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. rjackh

    What is DLM & DE

    Deep litter method and diatomaceous earth? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. rjackh

    Remodeling nest boxes - need dimensions

    Existing: I want to build something like this: Can I get away with the existing ~7" opening into the boxes? This will prevent me from having to redo any siding on the coop. I figured I could build the new box and mount it to the outside. The girls would enter the box through the ~7"...
  14. rjackh

    How to run corrugated roof panels

    What if I use these? Wouldn't valley tin or corrugated metal be easier to install? And I would prefer the look of those two over shingles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. rjackh

    Who says cedar is bad for chickens???

    My entire coop is built from cedar. Well we call it cedar here in tx but I think it is technically juniper? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. rjackh

    How to run corrugated roof panels

    I am now thinking about building a light plywood deck for the roof and skinning it with valley roll flashing. Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. rjackh

    How to run corrugated roof panels

    Doesn't proper ventilation in the coop prevent that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. rjackh

    How to run corrugated roof panels

    I am replacing the roof on a coop I bought a couple years ago. I never was happy with the way the original roof performed, although it looked really neat. Here is the original: I am stripping the panels off and pulling the nails to save the wood for another project. I was planning to rip a...
  19. rjackh

    How to keep chickens quiet

    I hadn't considered it being the space. They are currently in a ~3x6 coop/run and get let out to roam all over the backyard (1 acre lot) a couple times a week. Their previous enclosure was a 4x8 coop/run with a 16x16 pen around it that they had free roam of daily.
  20. rjackh

    How to keep chickens quiet

    Or will they be more comfortable with a larger group and be quiet? I saw this because I have walked in pens with over a hundred hens and none of them were cackling like mine do every now and then. I'm sure the egg songs get loud with that many, but they seemed more at ease than mine.
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