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  1. BlueHorse17

    Silkie gender?

    My friend has a two month old Silkie they got from a breeder. The breeder says it’s female but just curious and trying to help them out. Thoughts?
  2. BlueHorse17

    Frizzle Silkie gender?

    Here we go again with a questionable Silkie. Asking for a friend; the bird is around 3-4 months old. I’m leaning towards pullet…?
  3. BlueHorse17

    Silkie crosses?

    Hi everyone. A friend of mine was wondering what this pair might be crossed with. I’m thinking Silkie (because of the five toes), but not sure what the other half might be. My wild guess would be Silkie x Cochin for the female, and Ameraucana x Silkie for the male? Any thoughts?
  4. BlueHorse17

    2 month Silkie gender?

    Hi everyone. I have a 2 month old Silkie from a batch of eggs I got off of EBay. All the others have a flat comb still except for this one. I’m assuming because of the difference in comb (and it being large already) that this is a male? Bad genetics or possibly a Silkie cross?
  5. BlueHorse17

    4 1/2 year old layers?

    I saw a post for someone who has Silkies and Buff Orpingtons available. They mentioned that they are all approximately 4 1/2 years old and are all laying. I can see that the Orpingtons still might be, but doesn’t that seem a little long for the Silkies?
  6. BlueHorse17

    Silkie Gender?

    Does this look like a male or female? 6 months old. No crowing.
  7. BlueHorse17

    12 Week Genders?

    Hello everyone! Trying to help a friend out. What are your thoughts on these birds? Cockerels or pullets? They’re all 12 weeks.
  8. BlueHorse17

    3 Week Chicks: Favorelle, Ameraucana, Barred Rock, etc - San Jose, CA

    Three week old chicks: 🐣 1 White Leghorn cockerel 🐣 1 Porcelain D’uccle cockerel 🐣 1 Millie Fleur D’uccle cockerel - no longer available 🐣 1 Golden Sebright pullet 🐣 7 Barred Rock pullets 🐣 10 Ameraucana pullets 🐣 4 Buff Orpington pullets - pending 🐣 2 Red Sex Link pullets 🐣 4 Salmon...
  9. BlueHorse17

    Silkie suddenly died?

    This is going to be pretty vague but it’s all I really have as far as info. Someone bought a Silkie from me a couple weeks ago. The Silkie is female and 6 months old and has been vaccinated but just for Marek’s. My flock has been fine, but they mentioned that overnight the Silkie randomly died...
  10. BlueHorse17

    12 Week Delaware - Cockerel?

    Trying to help a friend figure out the sex. Bird was bought as a straight run chick from a feed store. 12 week old Delaware. I’m leaning towards cockerel but that is still a small pink comb…
  11. BlueHorse17

    Coturnix Quail Chicks - San Jose, CA

    Straight run, four day old variety Coturnix quail chicks. Located in San Jose, CA and they are $5 each.
  12. BlueHorse17

    Silkie gender? Cockerel?

    I’ve been bouncing back and forth with this Silkie in particular trying to decide it’s gender. It is 6 months old. I’m leaning towards cockerel but not 100% sure? No crowing, no eggs (figured too young regardless). It does “call” the others over whenever I feed them though, if that matters...
  13. BlueHorse17

    Incubating disaster…

    So we started off with 52 eggs. Candled them around day 7. After the candling it narrowed down to 40 that were developing. From day 1-17 we had temp at 99/100 and humidity at 50-55%. The incubator that is being used has a fan and is self-turning (turns eggs every two hours). The incubator has...
  14. BlueHorse17

    Silkie genders?

    Hi all! My friend sent me over some photos of their Silkies. Trying to guess gender for them. I’m thinking both splash are male, one buff is male (the one in the background), and one buff is female? They are 9 weeks old. These were the best photos they were able to get. Thoughts?
  15. BlueHorse17

    6 month Silkie Pullets - San Jose, CA

    I have six month old, Marek’s vaccinated white Silkie pullets available. Located in San Jose, CA. They are $40 each.
  16. BlueHorse17

    5 month Golden Comet Pullets - San Jose, CA

    I have five month old, Marek’s vaccinated Golden Comet pullets available. Located in San Jose, CA. They are $30 each.
  17. BlueHorse17

    Cochin gender?

    6 weeks old. This one’s comb is already red compared to the others, and is a little bigger. I was thinking cockerel 🤔?
  18. BlueHorse17

    6 week Sebrights, Australorps, Cochins etc - San Jose, CA

    Six week old chicks no longer need heat lamp. Have been vaccinated for Marek’s and are coop ready. Five are males and five are female. Have the following breeds left: 1 male Birchen Cochin bantam 2 female Birchen Cochin bantams 1 male Silver Sebright bantam 1 female Silver Sebright bantam 1...
  19. BlueHorse17

    6 Week Old Chick Breed?

    Any guesses on breed? I was thinking Wyandotte? As far as gender I’m leaning towards pullet…
  20. BlueHorse17

    Cockerels or pullets?

    Posting more for a friend. They are all 7 weeks. Cockerels or pullets?
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