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  1. FrizzleDizzle

    The Bunny Chat Thread - For Bunny Owners

    Ok cool. Thanks! I knew she wasn’t pure anything (not that it matters). I figured she was a lionhead mix because that’s the only one with the long facial hair I could find online. But I’m no expert, so thought I’d ask in case there was an there kind. I love th at she is an “everyday looking”...
  2. FrizzleDizzle

    The Bunny Chat Thread - For Bunny Owners

    Here is a better photo of her back. And thanks for your help! It doesn’t really matter the breed, we love her soo much, and she runs the house. 🤣. But people always ask, and I have no clue.
  3. FrizzleDizzle

    The Bunny Chat Thread - For Bunny Owners

    She has one blue eye and one black eye. She has short hair... other than on top her head and on her cheeks. And she he spots in her back that you can kind of see here.
  4. FrizzleDizzle

    The Bunny Chat Thread - For Bunny Owners

    Hi guys. I have a question and was hoping I’d find a bunny thread on this site! I’ve have this spoiled little girl for almost a year now. I don’t know anything about rabbit breeds. Does anyone know what breed/mix of breeds she could potentially be? Not important, but everyone always asks and...
  5. FrizzleDizzle

    Sexing Ducklings (Please check here first :D )

    I am a life-long chicken owner, but haven’t had ducks since I was little. So, I need help. Ive had threes four since they hatched around August 14th. Are they females? (Don’t laugh, I know I should be able to tell. If they were chickens, I’d be all over it ).
  6. FrizzleDizzle

    Sex these Easter Egg Chicks PLEEAASSEEE

    Well guess these two will be heading to the dinner table along with the Cornish. Little young but I don't want anymore roosters. Thanks everyone!!!
  7. FrizzleDizzle

    Sex these Easter Egg Chicks PLEEAASSEEE

    Jeez people. Thanks for nothing. hahahaha JK Soooo are we sure enough that both are boys that I can act upon this decision or should I wait??
  8. FrizzleDizzle

    Sex these Easter Egg Chicks PLEEAASSEEE

    Uggggghhhhh. I thought the white one is a boy. I was hoping the brown one wasn't. This is the best I can do right now. Getting too dark. The first pick is both of them, and the second is obviously only the brown one (hiding in the Cornish and silkies).
  9. FrizzleDizzle

    Sex these Easter Egg Chicks PLEEAASSEEE

    Did you click on the pics to make them bigger? Do you still want closer?
  10. FrizzleDizzle

    Sex these Easter Egg Chicks PLEEAASSEEE

    Hello. So I know this is going to be really obvious for you guys, but I typically only have silkies and Cornish so I'm not such an expert at this. These are my Easter Egger whatever chicks. They are about 11 weeks old or so. Soooo do I have a boy and a girl or what??
  11. FrizzleDizzle

    Frizzledizzles Member Page

    After living on a farm and around animals my whole life, I spent a few years in townhouses and apartments that didn't allow animals. So, when my husband and I finally bought our house, I couldn't wait to fill it with lots of pets. We started off by adding two puppies to our family...
  12. FrizzleDizzle

    Strange Egg today

    Dont worry. Strange things happen when they first start laying. Its normal. My grandmom cracked an egg open and there was another egg inside it!
  13. FrizzleDizzle

    Black Maran - Am I a boy or Girl??

    thank you, and thanks for moving the thread.
  14. FrizzleDizzle

    Black Maran - Am I a boy or Girl??

    sorry for posting in the wrong section!
  15. FrizzleDizzle

    Black Maran - Am I a boy or Girl??

    About 4 weeks old
  16. FrizzleDizzle

    Free Polish Rooster

    Beautiful rooster hatched Easter morning. His mommy is polish, and his daddy is a silkie so he has an extra toe. He is a sweet bird; my three year old can catch and handle him with no trouble. I would love to keep him, but can't have another rooster. I can meet you in parts of West Virginia...
  17. FrizzleDizzle

    How can you tell if its a baby silkie?

    So, I saw some think the one on the right is partridge (like daddy), but any guesses on what color the left one is gonna be when he grows up?? If it helps, the two cochin mommy possibilites: mille fleur cochin or black frizzle cochin. The black frizzle is god knows what though; she came from...
  18. FrizzleDizzle

    How can you tell if its a baby silkie?

    So, my uneducated guess (since I've never seen a silkie baby) was the left was a mix that would probably have hard feathers and the right was going to have silkie feathers. Thats soo exciting!! Now I just hope they turn out to both be girls so I can keep them. My last 4 that hatched all...
  19. FrizzleDizzle

    Is there a general age when silkies crow (if they are going to)

    My silkie rooster started crowing about 9 or 10 months.
  20. FrizzleDizzle

    Bantam Polish: He or She?

    definately a female. very cute. we have the same kind and she is a lover.
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