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  1. balingmomma88

    Sick chicken

    Help! I'm new to the chicken scene and I believe one of my birds is sick! She's about a year old and she is an Easter egger. She isn't laying anymore (day 4 of no eggs from her), she won't come when I shake treats like she used to, she won't stay with the rest of the flock ( she goes off and...
  2. balingmomma88

    Why won't my hens lay?!?

    I have five hens 1 white leghorn - 25 weeks old 1 red sex link - 25 weeks old 1 Easter egged - 23 weeks old 2 buff orbingtons - 22 weeks I have yet to get a single egg from anybody. The girls get fresh food and water daily. And they free range at least 5-6 hours a day except on the...
  3. balingmomma88


    I have a small chicken coop and run. We put pine shaving in the coop and sand in the run. This has been working well but here is my problem ... Last night we got a horrible rain and the run flooded. There was about two to three inches of water in. Now the run is all mud! The chickens keep...
  4. balingmomma88

    Opening and closing the door

    My girls seem to make their way up into the coop almost an hour before sunset. After it gets dark I go out and close it and always have. But in the morning I don't get up until a few hours after sunrise. Is it bad to keep them in the cool after sunrise or should the door be opened right at sunrise?
  5. balingmomma88


    Hi all! I'm in northern Illinois, lake villa to be exact. I got three chicks from a local farm and I'm pretty sure one is a rooster. We are not allowed to have roosters and I have to get rid of him before he starts crowing. I think he is about 7 or 8 weeks old. Can anyone help me out?
  6. balingmomma88

    Help me!

    I'm completely new to having chickens! I got three chicks from a local farm. The lady told me they were all white leghorns and all hens. They are about three in a half weeks old and I'm begining to think one is a rooster and two are not leghorns. what do you guys think? Here is the one I think...
  7. balingmomma88


    Hi my name is Katelyn and I'm new to the chicken scene! I bought three chicks (about 2 weeks ago) last week from a local farm. And then I got 3 few days old chicks this morning from my local feed store! I'm so excited to have them! I've been begging my husband forever and he finally caved on...
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