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  1. thechickenwife

    A couple of questions about broody Rouen Ducks

    I we have 7 good looking ducklings cooking in their shell (by cooking I mean growing) and 3 duds. They were all taking up about 2/3 of the eggs so I wonder how far along that is.
  2. thechickenwife

    A couple of questions about broody Rouen Ducks

    So Daisy our Rouen duck lost her mate about 2 weeks ago to a fox. Well today we found her sitting on about 8 eggs. Some are definately from before he got killed and some are recent (maybe 3 or 4) She lays 6 eggs a week when she is in the chicken coop. The only time they were left out is when...
  3. thechickenwife

    nest boxes

    We made a community nest box and they seem to like it. It fits 2 girls at one time. Now if I can get them to stop roosting in the opening.
  4. thechickenwife

    Standard VS bantam (crowing).....again

    I have a video with my neighbors bantam crowing and then mine crowing. Her rooster crows way louder and kinda crazy compaired to mine. I'll post it tomorrow.
  5. thechickenwife

    Am I a boy or Girl?? edit: I am a boy!!

    He started crowing this morning. It's pretty sweet. He has a really quiet crow.
  6. thechickenwife

    Am I a boy or Girl?? edit: I am a boy!!

    I need to take better pictures but here is the gang: I think in February I am going to get an Americana and a Speckled Sussex and possibly a really pretty rooster to keep these ladies in line since they will be free ranging during the spring and summer.
  7. thechickenwife

    Am I a boy or Girl?? edit: I am a boy!!

    Got them the first week of September. It's a bantam. And no crowing yet.
  8. thechickenwife

    Am I a boy or Girl?? edit: I am a boy!!

    Help my momma out she keeps calling me a boy and my dad keeps calling me a girl...what do you think?
  9. thechickenwife

    Cannot get the chickens to go into the coop at night

    ell tonight I went out to put them in the coop and they were already in there. It only took 4 weeks for them to figure it out. Thank goodness.
  10. thechickenwife

    Cannot get the chickens to go into the coop at night

    What can I do to get them in there? I have tried leaving them in there a couple of days, putting them in there at night, putting food in there only. Nothing works. I find them every night huddled up in the corner of the run. I put a light in the coop 2 days ago and they still won't go in there...
  11. thechickenwife

    flightless duck breeds

    Quote: My husband has been making fun of ours because it can barley put one foot in front of the other. Aways stepping on it's toes.
  12. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    Yep my husband ended up doing the deed last night. But it was for the best.
  13. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    Well he's not doing good at all. He can't eat on his own any more and none of his feathers are coming in. The other duck is the same age and is half way feathered out. I think he might be going up to the big pond in the sky soon. I did buy another duckling so the big one won't be lonely. It a...
  14. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    between it's foot and knee. They are in the bath right now and one leg he wont bend so hes just swimming around in circles. I feel so bad for the little guy!
  15. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    Well after hobbling his legs up now all he does is lay on his back with his legs in the air. Poor guy.My husband is worried h's going to drown in the small bowl of water but since he never gets up I'm not too worried. I have been helping him eat. I wonder if I should get another one just in case...
  16. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    That's what we were thinking but it is always all shaky. I'm going to hobble his legs and hopefully that will work out.
  17. thechickenwife

    What is up with my duck??

    So I got 2 ducks two weeks ago one is growing like a weed the other is having issues. It has a hard time walking and can barley hold its self up when in the upright position. Most of the time I find him on his/her back and have to flip it over only to fall right back over. Here is a video maybe...
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