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  1. Matt H

    Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

    Big BUMMER. I found my 1 year old rhode island red dead as a door nail under the roost this morning. I have a mixed flock. She was the only RIR I had. Totally bummed. Beautiful brick back and mahogany true to form hen. Sucks
  2. Matt H

    White Leghorns laying cream colored eggs???

    I'm sure my California White is laying cream colored eggs too. I bought two of the Cali Whites from TSC and traded one to a friend. He's having the same issue. Seems like a common occurrence from what I read. She's a sweet gal so I think I'll keep her.
  3. Matt H

    who is laying me a pretty cream colored egg?

    My Cali White lays creme colored eggs only. Kinda disappointing IMO. I wanted a white egg layer. Should've bought a White Leghorn I guess. There's a wildcard in every brood.
  4. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    I'm not a vet, but I view it like this. If your vet can't do a fecal float to rule out cocci and your chicken has the symptoms, then like you said, "What can it hurt"? I found the dosing instructions on this site. It's a really helpful site.
  5. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    Isolate him so he dosn't get bullied or risk spreading whatever contagion he has.
  6. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    I do wish you the best sir.
  7. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    After the six week process of trying everything suggested. I did what I was taught by my Dad whom raised poultry. Hopefully someone on this very informative forum will have an alternative.
  8. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    Sounds like my Barred Rock Pullet. I took every reasonable course of action with no improvement...antibiotics, Corid, dewormed, forced fluids and solids. I found her laying on her side under the hanging feeder, just barely alive. She was the only sick one of the bunch.
  9. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    Prior symptoms if I may ask? And are other flock members sick? What have you ruled out as a cause?
  10. Matt H

    3 week old "Mutt" Chickens - What gender?

    Yeah....Number two looks kinda "cocky".
  11. Matt H

    HELP ! sick cockerel can't stand up !

    Have you had a fecal float done for coccidiosus?
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