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  1. Jgute1

    Emergency chicken has organ hanging out of vent ?

    Thank you so much I'm running to the store after my class gets out and will get some stuff and try to push it back in I just hope it's not to late
  2. Jgute1

    Emergency chicken has organ hanging out of vent ?

    So last night when I went out to put my girls in I found one of my chickens had a bloody vent when I took her inside and got a closer look i saw there was a horrifying white mass comming out her vent there was blood all over her tail feathers I put her in a warm water bath and put her in her own...
  3. Jgute1

    Cocci ???

    ok so i have a weird scenario and would like some second opinions, my horses were having diarrhea so i had a fecal sample done and the vet and the results that were sent back said that they had gotten cocci from my chickens they do share an area so i didn't think anything of it but as i started...
  4. Jgute1

    How to treat chickens with coccidiosis

    The vet was the one who told us that the chickens gave it to the horses and the goats so no use in doing that but thank you
  5. Jgute1

    How to treat chickens with coccidiosis
  6. Jgute1

    How to treat chickens with coccidiosis

    we had a fecal test done at msu and thats what they found dogs and cats can get it at as well so its not only chickens that can contract it.
  7. Jgute1

    How to treat chickens with coccidiosis

    I recently had a fecal test done on both my horses and found that they were infected with coccidiosis that they picked up from my chickens. I also have goats that are around the chickens and horses often so I'm assuming they are carrying it too, although i haven't seen any symptoms of it yet. I...
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