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  1. dgunderman

    5 chick breeds

    The chicks were sold at local hardware store. They bought a variety from McMurray Hatchery without knowing the breeds.
  2. dgunderman

    5 chick breeds

    [/IMG]. Better photo of comb and feet. Thanks for replies.
  3. dgunderman

    5 chick breeds

    I think I have 2 Australorp, buff orpington, Rhode island red, and the unknown in upper right corner and in my hand.
  4. dgunderman

    5 chick breeds

    Here is a better photo of Pippa, one of my black chicks. Some of her wing tips are white. And her feet are black and orange. I am guessing an Easter Egger? Thanks for your replies.
  5. dgunderman

    New BackYard Chicken member

    I'm a new chicken owner. I bought 5 different chicks of unknown breeds. They are only two weeks old, but, already enjoying them so much. I'm starting to build a coop for them. They sure grow fast. I better build fast. I love this site. There is so much helpful information.
  6. dgunderman

    5 chick breeds

    I bought 5 different chicks without being told what breeds they were. I'm pretty sure one is a Buff Orpington and one is a Rhode Island Red. I'm not sure of the other three. Maybe a Barred Rock, Easter Egger and Black Australorp. Any guesses?
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