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  1. cstanley

    what do duck eggs look like??

    I have had 2 grayish pearl looking eggs. Rounder than my chicken eggs. I am wondering if that duck of minw finally layed. I thought the green egg was hers, but I am rethingking that now! Anybody have pictures/?? If she lays again I'll take a pic!
  2. cstanley

    From 12 a day to 4...what happened???

    OK it's been WEEKS and my girls still aren't laying like they were. We were between 12-15 eggs a day. and now we are good to get 4-6. UGH. OK, another problem! We moved them all to a fenced area and built a new chicken coop for them. Are they mad at us and aren't laying becasue of this??? How...
  3. cstanley

    How to build a brooder?

    I used a large plastic kiddie pool that the kids ougrew last year. I put a few clamp lights that I had in 2 different spot and it was fine! and hay on the floor! Gotta have hay or pine shavings or something like that. Do not use newspaper, it will make it slick and ruin their little legs! Cherie
  4. cstanley

    Well, we had a baby chick hatch yesterday. UGH!!!LOL

    My egg production was cutin halfon CHristmas day, so I figured they just found a new spot to lay. In the event of searching for the eggs I found a nest of 36 eggs in the hayloft of our barn. On a bale of hay balanced on a 2x4! UGH!!!! SO, at first I got excited, packing them up and put them in...
  5. cstanley

    From 12 a day to 4...what happened???

    OK. Seems like I heard that they won't lay when it' s cold. Is that what has happened. A cold snap will stop production??? UGH! Will they start up when it warms up or when it starts staying warm??? Teperature wise. What temps do they like to lay in? I am in SE Texas and it is usually 50 most of...
  6. cstanley

    I'm a newbie and have a ? about blood on an egg

    What would cause this??? Is my chicken OK.??? I have free range chicks so I have NO IDEA who lays what!! I just gather eggs. I just noticed it yeaterday!!! What is up with that???
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