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  1. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    I will do, will check her over tomorrow, we have been handling her though and I haven't noticed anything. She had worms which none of the others seemed to have as well although I have now treated them all for worms. Her poo is always green but sometimes it's very watery other times more normal...
  2. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    Did any of your others catch it? I am concerned it could be that. She isn't going worse and isn't going better but she is bright and eager to eat as long as it's put in front of her.
  3. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    Mine are not vaccinated but the rest of the girls seen fine up to now so don't think it's catching. She does has quite loose poo as well which is greeny. And sometimes watery. Other times solid so it's not consistent.
  4. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    This is EXACTLY how she is! To the tail and everything. Did you ever find out what was wrong?
  5. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    I don't want to give up but also don't want her to suffer either, will definitely give her a little while yet though
  6. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    I am treating for that as can't think of anything else but been giving her baby vitamins without iron for over a week now with no improvement
  7. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    I can't see a reply sorry x
  8. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    I will get one tomorrow she is in bed now but she's simply just sat there like a dumpling, happy but unable to stand or move.
  9. J

    Chicken can't walk.

    Don't know if anyone can help please, I have a 20w old chicken who has never laid, about two weeks ago we noticed she was quiet and not moving around to much, we were due to go on holiday so brought her in and noticed she had worms, so we wormed her immediately and separated her into a small run...
  10. J

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    This is my 7 week old Columbian Brahma. Hoping she is a girl
  11. J

    Is big Bertha actually a girl

    Oh I really hope so. Would be devastated if she had to leave.
  12. J

    Is big Bertha actually a girl

    7 weeks tomorrow
  13. J

    Is big Bertha actually a girl

    7 weeks old tomorrow. I have hatched 3 breeds and it's really obvious in the others I have 4 boys and 2 girls out of those but Bertha is an only Brahma so nothing to compare her against.
  14. J

    Is big Bertha actually a girl

    Really hoping my 7 week old Brahma is a girl. My daughter is in love with her. Just wondering what other people think. Thanks Joanne
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