Chicken can't walk.

I had an Australorps hen at the age of 18 weeks who hadn’t laid yet either. She was all fine until one day I found her unable to walk or move her legs in anyway. Eventually she died but we found out that she had mereks disease. What u are explaining is almost identical to what happened to me. I would continue watching her and if she continues deteriorating then she might have mereks. Definitely isolate her and continue what your doing.
Did any of your others catch it? I am concerned it could be that. She isn't going worse and isn't going better but she is bright and eager to eat as long as it's put in front of her.
My chickens were fine for about three months after I lost the chicks then another case popped up. Mereks disease comes in many forms and is highly contagious. It spreads with chicken dander so the best option is to iscolate any chicken you suspect to be sick to ensure that it doesn’t spread. It is really good she is eating and drinking. I have had cases of mereks were chickens become paralysed, have respiratory problems, tumors and drop heaps of weight. Paralysis is quite common in mereks disease and even if the chicken survives they are stuck with whatever paralysis they have for life. I really hope this isn’t your case because it is very sad to see chickens suffer like this.
In one case I did have a chicken that was so sick that she was full of worms because her immune system couldn’t work properly as a result of mereks. Her poos were basically clear liquid filled to at least 30 tapeworm eggs at a time. She also began to get tumors on her face and under her wings. Maybe check the chicken and see if she has any unusual bumps on her.
I will do, will check her over tomorrow, we have been handling her though and I haven't noticed anything. She had worms which none of the others seemed to have as well although I have now treated them all for worms. Her poo is always green but sometimes it's very watery other times more normal looking. I think if she is still paralysed in a week or so I will have her put to sleep as it's no life stuck in a cage unable to move. I will feel dreadful though as she doesn't seem in pain and is bright.
If it is that I hope the rest of mw girls will be ok.
Definitely, it is very sad to see a chicken suffer. Keep us posted on what happens. The chook I had started rolling and we would find her in the morning upside down unable to get back up. I think if she starts doing that you should probably put here to sleep. I hope your chicken stays strong. Good luck :) and best wishes.

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