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  1. LyndaNks

    buff orph. first time broody..sitting on different age eggs

    We actually just went to the farm store and bought an incubator so we can try to hatch the rest of the eggs if she gets up off the nest tomorrow or maybe another will hatch tonight:D Now i have to figure out this incubator so i can be ready :eek:
  2. LyndaNks

    buff orph. first time broody..sitting on different age eggs

    Thats my plan then... thanks so much!
  3. LyndaNks

    buff orph. first time broody..sitting on different age eggs

    lol yes you are correct ORP...i actually did know that and i don't even know why i typed orph it auto corrected so many times bc i was trying to shorten it, who knows. lol Anyways..she actually hasn't pooped bc we have her in a coop all by herself that has an area for her to step out of the...
  4. LyndaNks

    buff orph. first time broody..sitting on different age eggs

    Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance. I have a 1st time broody buff orph. laying on a clutch of eggs right now and it is day 26 (today Monday) and only 1 chick has hatched (on Sunday morning). The day we noticed she started laying we put it on the calendar and then 2 days later we saw...
  5. LyndaNks

    Chicken Newbie

    Hi, I'm Lynda from Kansas..I am a chicken newbie as of February this year!!! We have a small farm here and have 24 chickens (2 of them being roos) We had 3 meat birds butchered and weeded out 3 black australorps roos bc 5 was just too many for our flock!! lol We have a few different breeds...
  6. LyndaNks

    True Ameraucana: How many wks old to lay eggs?

    I too have 2 Ameraucanas that started laying at 22 weeks old and they started to lay us 1 blue egg each day for a good while (maybe like couple weeks) then the last 3 days here they have not laid 1....I know they won't lay every day (i have been told) but i am hoping they are ok bc its been 3...
  7. LyndaNks


    Thank you so much for all advice. I will give an update by Friday to see if anything happens to the rest of them!! Of course I'm praying all will be fine though! :)
  8. LyndaNks


    Thank you for the advice!!
  9. LyndaNks


    I don't even know if she (the hen that died today) has been laying or not but since we don't know how she died will the eggs be ok from the rest of the flock?
  10. LyndaNks


    Thats what I was thinking. Everyone I have talked to said she would have been showing signs of being sick for a few days atleast or she would be off in the coop by herself laying there and she was with the flock normal all weekend! I just didn't know if i should be treating them all with an...
  11. LyndaNks


    Thanks so much for your replies..shoot i hate to lose chickens but everyone local is telling me it was probably fluke and to wait to see if anymore die..seems harsh to wait for that but idk. I thought the vet would tell me to treat all of them just incase but I guess thats not necessary? I do...
  12. LyndaNks


    I did mention this option to my vet and they said she really needed to go in the fridge long ago? IDK is this something I should do to find out? If so, is it expensive?---Thanks for the advice :)
  13. LyndaNks


    I did hear about being egg bound (especially since she is young and they are all just starting to lay for us) and thought maybe this could be the case but wouldn't i feel it if that were the case? Thanks so much for the reply!
  14. LyndaNks


    HI there everyone, i need help...I found one of my chickens (a black australorp 25 week old hen) very lethargic this morning sitting in the bottom of the coop not moving but breathing. When my husband went to open the main coop door to let them out to free range this one did not move so he...
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