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  1. emilyenorris

    Rooster with swollen feet and toe joints

    A friend asked me to check on her rooster that was walking odd. I assumed that it would be bumble foot and came prepared, but i did not see any scabs and when the feet were clean I did not see any cuts or injuries. The rooster walks as if he has lost flexibility in his toe joints. This is in...
  2. emilyenorris

    Roadside eggstand in the hot summer

    I would like to make a self serve eggstand. We live in Texas and it gets really hot in the summer. I know fresh eggs are safe at room temp, but it is definitely not room temp outside. What are some good ideas to keep eggs cool, but not cold. All I can come up with is build around a cooler. Has...
  3. emilyenorris

    Backyard mix guesses. . . 10 weeks old

    I thought I was hatching all silkie eggs (but obviously not). I have silkies, leghorns, polish, to name a few. I'm sure the white chick is mostly leghorn. It was a big brown egg. Any guesses on pullet or roosters? I have my suspensions. The pictures are not great. I took them at night when I...
  4. emilyenorris

    chicken attacked by dog, neighbor said it was dead. . . .

    One of my white leghorns will not stay in the yard. My neighbor text me apologizing that their dog had killed on of my chickens. Fast forward 8 hours later (I was at work). I was walking near my back door and heard a squawk. Found a leghorn under the table under carport. She was wet. It had...
  5. emilyenorris

    lakenvelder pullet or cockerel? 8 wk old.

    This is my mystery chick from McMurray's. It is 8wks old. Very afraid of me unlike the other chicks. It is also much smaller. I believe it is a lakenvelder, but pullet or cockerel? Or is it too early to tell? Thank you.
  6. emilyenorris

    Help with 13 week old silkie gender

    Look like pullets to me.
  7. emilyenorris

    Mystery Chick

    Any ideas what this chick might be? I do not think it is one on my order, so must be the mystery chick. Thanks for the help.
  8. emilyenorris

    Ideas on the breed?

    Here is mine from last week. They look similar. I have been trying to ID it. I wasn't sure if it was the mystery chick or something I ordered. Leaning toward mystery chick. Do you think they are the same thing?
  9. emilyenorris

    Need advice adding onto coop. FYI, make it bigger than you think you need. . .

    It is true. You can never build your coop big enough. With the help of my family, I built my coop 3 summers ago. At the time, I had 12 chickens. I have attached a picture of the coop. It has an inclosed area 2 feet off the ground that is 3ft wide by 6 feet deep. I have 1x4 roosts the...
  10. emilyenorris

    Hen with severe infection in her leg need help.

    I noticed about 3 months ago that my silkie mix hen started hopping on one foot. I looked at her foot then and did not see any scabs or injuries, so I suspected that she must have sprained it somehow. She continues to roost with the other birds and hops around the yard not putting any weight on...
  11. emilyenorris

    Strange Lump under Chicken wing

    I have this same looking issue with one of my hens on her thigh. Did you figure anything out?
  12. emilyenorris

    10 month old hen injury to thigh; doesn't put weight on it

    I noticed about 6 weeks ago that my silkie mix hen started hopping on one foot. I looked at her foot then and did not see any scabs or injuries, so I suspected that she must have sprained it somehow. She continues to roost with the other birds and hops around the yard not putting any weight on...
  13. emilyenorris

    15 week old chicks gender?

    I have 6 chicks hatched 15 weeks ago. All have black silkie as the rooster and I have identified the type of mother hen on the pictures. I am pretty sure I can tell the gender of the pure silkies, but am having trouble with the mixes. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. emilyenorris

    Silkie and what?

    Reminds me of the chicks that I got from a black silkie rooster and a brown leghorn hen.
  15. emilyenorris

    What's your guess...pullet cross?

    I have had a black silkie rooster and a light bantam brahma hen produce chicks that look like this.
  16. emilyenorris

    Silkie hen went for a swim. . . frozen.

    Yesterday I came home from work and found my free range silkie hen in the goat water bowl. It was in the 30s yesterday. Her head was dry. I am guessing she fell in and could not get out. It is one of the rubber bowls that are about a foot deep. I have never had one fall in that I am aware of...
  17. emilyenorris

    Silkies 12 weeks old

    Turned out #2 and #4 are roosters. You never know with silkies. Thanks for all the help.
  18. emilyenorris

    Problem after getting a new goat. "bully" goat

    It has been about a month. The girls are not best friends and the older one still puts the little one in her place, but they are not enemies. The little one is standing up to the older goat (butting heads), not that she comes out on top. I do not think that they are really fighting, but...
  19. emilyenorris

    Candling eggs - I don't think these are still alive.

    The first one hatched two days ago. The cracked one was a day before that . I am sure one hen has been sitting 3 weeks on 3 eggs and then she gathered more . What looks to be veins in the second pic seems to be a hollow spot with feathers in it. The egg is still under the hen that has been...
  20. emilyenorris

    Candling eggs - I don't think these are still alive.

    I have two broody silkie hens sitting on eggs. They are not all due to hatch on the same day. I did not pick up eggs for a few days and these two rolled them into their nest. I have had one hatch, one that got cracked near hatching, and 10 more to go. I have seen movement in 7 of them. Not sure...
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