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  1. D

    HELP please… Dosing/Administration instructions needed

    Thank you for responding. From the doxycycline dosing instructions 1/4 tsp in a quart of water is the entire daily dose so I’d be concerned about giving 1/4 dosing tsp at one shot.
  2. D

    HELP please… Dosing/Administration instructions needed

    I have a 9mo old SLW rooster who presented a day ago with mild clear discharge from his left eye and nostril but was behaving normally. The following day, today, the discharge had stopped but he’d developed a slight, intermittent gurgle (still acting otherwise normal) but by the evening had...
  3. D

    Muscovy first laying season and panting

    We’ve always free fed our ‘poo crew’. Even though we have both Muscovy and Pekin not sure how the mallard derived Pekin laying compares to others mallard derived breeds or how prone they may be to becoming egg bound but if you’re sure you can rule that out amd/or that the infection’s completely...
  4. D

    Muscovy first laying season and panting

    Is she currently laying an egg in the morning? She may be ‘working on it’ overnight. My Pekin doesn’t really but my Muscovies will still pant a bit while they’re in the process of laying. Does yours seem otherwise okay?
  5. D

    Muscovy first laying season and panting

    She’s doing well. She ended up laying that first time for 25 days or so, the average for a Muscovy being 18. She’s still a pretty prolific layer but rarely as long as that first time. We now have two female Muscovies along with a female Pekin. Both Muscovies get very broody and develop a squeak...
  6. D

    Dwarf Muscovy?

    One of my girls is so low to the ground, her legs being so short, that she looks like one of those wind up toys that you just see the feet moving. Is there such a thing as a dwarf Muscovy? Her underside is just barely off the ground, especially when she’s ‘with egg’.
  7. D

    Wet Feathered Muscovy

    That’s what I’d understood you to mean. Frustratingly though I can only see her gland when she’s preening. When I go to find it I cant.
  8. D

    Wet Feathered Muscovy

  9. D

    Wet Feathered Muscovy

    Thanks Everyone, She’s an indoor(house)/outdoor(patio) duck so don’t think that muddy, dirty feathers are the cause and she loves her little kiddie pool so maybe it’s a seasonal thing? Time, and a good molt, will hopefully tell.
  10. D

    Wet Feathered Muscovy

    No pictures at the moment but just imagine a completely feather soaked hen. She’s Black body with a white head. She’s approx 10 mos old and this is a fairly recent development. She seems otherwise fine with no sign of parasites and housing is clean.
  11. D

    Wet Feathered Muscovy

    My Pekin definitely lives up to that ‘like water off a ducks back’ example however my Muscovy does not; her feathers get completely drenched through. They could both be in the pool, one of which is chlorinated although they prefer their little ‘kiddie’ pool, and he comes out clean and fluffy as...
  12. D

    Comment by 'Duck_Duck_Goose' in article 'Herbs, Flowers, and Weeds for Chickens'

    Good article, thank you for sharing. Does this information also apply to ducks?
  13. D

    White Pigeon …?

    We’d already set one up but she got spooked and flew off. I’m just hoping she returns or that she’s safe wherever she is.
  14. D

    White Pigeon …?

    Bigger than and she looks like she’s wearing slippers, the tops of her feet are covered in fluffy white feathers.
  15. D

    White Pigeon …?

    Gotcha! Nope, not a particularly large bird. We have mourning doves of somewhat varying sizes that come to ‘visit’ and she’s not huge compared to them.
  16. D

    White Pigeon …?

    She doesn’t seem to be particularly large but rather just healthy looking and medium build so I’m hoping she’s(?) finding plenty to eat and drink.
  17. D

    White Pigeon …?

    Thank you. She’s proving hard to catch and early in the evening flew off again and hasn’t returned so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. If we do catch her and are unable to keep her we’ve found someone who can. ‘Blood Sport Birds’ are apparently used in fighting to the death much like dog...
  18. D

    White Pigeon …?

    So we found this little beauty on our pool patio today, happily eating the bird seed that fell to the ground. Aside from getting spooked away for a brief period she’s spent most of her day hanging out there. We’re in suburbia and have been told this unbanded sweetie may be a ‘blood sport’ pigeon...
  19. D

    Rough Shelled Eggs

    The point of my question was to gain clarification as I’ve read contradicting suggestions from varying sources, each with accompanying reasons for why eggs were either left or gathered. Some stating that their ducks just keep laying indefinitely if their eggs are pulled potentially increasing...
  20. D

    Rough Shelled Eggs

    We’re fine with her laying eggs unless she develops harmful reproductive issues in which case we’d probably have a hormone implant placed. We just don’t want her going broody because of that nutritional concern and also because we don’t more ducks. Actually we wouldn’t mind more hens but unless...
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