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  1. animalyodelers

    Livestock... alarm dog?

    Just curious if anyone else has had a similar situation and how it works out. I have 2 dogs, both purebred poodles. One standard (70+ lb) who is 1.5 years old, and one mini (12-15 lb, I can't remember- smallish mini but not toy) who is 9 yrs. Of course my little one is the alpha. My big dog...
  2. animalyodelers

    Liability insurance for selling eggs

    I have found a couple threads about this, but they all seem to be 2-3+ years old. I'm wondering if opinions have changed. I'm looking into selling my excess harvest (veggies, fruits, herbs, and eggs) at a local market this summer. I've already researched all my state/county/city laws and...
  3. animalyodelers

    Coops in wet, temperate climates? Bedding?

    I live in Washington State, not far from Puget Sound. Our microclimate tends to be a bit warmer and drier in the summer and colder and wetter in the winter than most of western WA, but overall temps are moderate and winters are mostly chilly and damp. My coop floor is concrete pavers dug in a...
  4. animalyodelers

    Help with breeds- 8-9 week old pullets

    So, admittedly I didn't check out the breeder that well as far as breeding lines, etc. but that doesn't matter too much anyway. I wanted decent layers and breeds that are at least usually not aggressive. I *thought* I was getting barred rocks, easter eggers, one buff orp and one SLW. I know...
  5. animalyodelers

    Chicken newbie- urgent- mareks? Lost 2 chickens suddenly

    Please help. I'm trying to read about what to do but theres a lot of info. We found one chicken dead in the coop, no signs of injury and she had no previous signs of illness. She had been acting normal earlier in the day. The rest of the flock was acting normally. Now (about an hour...
  6. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    I'm literally throwing together a makeshift coop, to be improved upon when weather gets better. I had a small playhouse I was modifying, but it got frustrating and wasn't big enough anyway (thanks chicken math, we have more than planned). I love to get inspiration for DIY projects from seeing...
  7. animalyodelers

    8 week chick hurt foot? Limping

    My 8 week old Buff Orpington chick has been limping just today. She has been reluctant to put much weight on it, but she has still been hopping around, eating, drinking, pooping all normal. She has been active with the rest of the flock and even on the low roost. I'm not aware of any injury...
  8. animalyodelers

    Moving chicks to coop FAST

    I'm sure this has been asked 1,000,000 times but I'm new and a little overwhelmed finding specific help. A few days ago I bought 9 7-8 week chicks. I believed they were coop ready, but found out AFTER I purchased them that they were still on the heat lamp :hitmostly at night. I don't know the...
  9. animalyodelers

    New crazy chicken lady

    Hello! I just became a crazy chicken lady (to be fair, I was already crazy) and learned firsthand that chicken math is REAL. I am married with 3 wonderful daughters ages 11, 9 and 3. My husband has been putting up with my wild ideas for over 15 years so getting chickens was just another "roll...
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