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  1. genesis1981

    Unable to tell if crop is just sour or impacted or both

    Also no fluid in abdomen. I keep checking there. It’s all in the crop. She’s pooping a little. She’s standing or sitting. Not closing her eyes. She seems more annoyed than anything about being in jail!
  2. genesis1981

    Unable to tell if crop is just sour or impacted or both

    Thanks so much for replying. I did read that article. And I have been really scared to massage her crop the last several hours because it’s just so full. I keep reading here people vomit their chickened successfully but I’m a bit afraid to do it to her. But that crop is just sooo fukl. And I...
  3. genesis1981

    Unable to tell if crop is just sour or impacted or both

    I have a 3 year old sapphire gem who was my most prolific layer. She stopped laying a month ago after laying a couple of misshaped eggs. I checked her regularly and she was never bound and acting normal so I hoped she’d come out of it. A few days ago she stopped being as aggressive about food...
  4. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    I’ve been spending the money on eggs for them so she can have it. It’s just so odd. She is as hungry as ever. Just suddenly weak. And wants to be held! She was always the *bitchiest* of my hens. I hope she bounces back come spring and this is just a result of her molt being very hard on her.
  5. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    I’d love a brand recommendation. I’ve always used scratch and peck and I don’t think they make anything higher protein than layer. I see grower and starter feeds.
  6. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    Do you also recommend the higher protein feed for meat birds over the winter?
  7. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    So you suggest switching to broiler feed during this time? I’ve never done it before.
  8. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    I will weigh her that’s a good idea. But I do feel she’s not lost more since the initial loss a couple months ago. I’ll eliminate the other treats as well. Crop has been emptying. I am just so stumped. None of my hens are laying. They generally always stop once it gets cold and don’t start again...
  9. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    Oh and no laying since before the molt. Also her poop has seemed normal this whole time.
  10. genesis1981

    Mystery weakness in 4 y/o black Australorp hen

    Of my small flock I have two black Australorp girls that are 4 years old. They both molted this fall after it was cold but one of them had a particularly hard molt. She’s never lost so many feathers or taken so long to feather back out. Well it almost seems she never recovered whereas her...
  11. genesis1981

    Feather pecking? What to do about it

    This has been going on for months and not getting any better. Huge patch of feathers missing. Looks like they’re broken off. I’ve seen some of them pecking her/eating her feathers. Attaching a pic of my sapphire gem who has been decimated by the other hens with pecking. Because of my setup I...
  12. genesis1981

    Misshapen eggs for months - what gives?

    Yea every once in a blue moon her egg is perfect! I am only posting to see if anyone says I should be concerned, if I can be doing something to help her out I certainly will. Looks like it would be uncomfortable to lay an egg like that. But then again laying an egg at all has to be a literal pain 🤣
  13. genesis1981

    Misshapen eggs for months - what gives?

    I have a year old blue hen (breed is a bit of a mystery) who has been laying bumpy deformed eggs for months now. Every once in a while her egg is perfect but 90% of the time they are super bumpy. She eats her oyster shell, I’ve seen it. She’s very happy and healthy and lays consistently. She’s a...
  14. genesis1981

    Odd one out at night- pullet not allowed on the roost. Ideas?

    I got two chicks this spring to incorporate with my other two year-old hens. One of those now pullets is bigger than all the other 3 chickens now! Taller, more muscular. We really thought she was a roo! Anyway she gets picked on a lot despite her size and as of a couple weeks ago she started...
  15. genesis1981

    Young chicken laying and eating soft eggs!

    Yes we have a few other birds. Two are older black Australorp. They’re all on the organic scratch and peck layer feed and they all have access and enjoy tons of oyster shell. They have several hours of free range in my garden a day. They were getting into the tomatoes for a while and most...
  16. genesis1981

    Young chicken laying and eating soft eggs!

    This is comforting to read! I wonder if others are seeing similar behavior! They’ve been great chickens so far and seem very content and healthy otherwise so I’m not overly worried unless someone here tells me to be! Thanks!
  17. genesis1981

    Young chicken laying and eating soft eggs!

    I got two chicks this spring, we think they are somewhere between Sapphire Easter Egger and Blue Andelusion. One is quite ahead of the game, large and laying big blue green eggs. She’s so big we thought she was a roo initially. The other is very tiny/petite and sweet and she’s been consistently...
  18. genesis1981

    My favorite game. Is this a cockerel or pullet?

    I think she is mostly BA!!! I mean she is the spitting image. That’s why the green eggs are so hilarious. Like, huh?!
  19. genesis1981

    My favorite game. Is this a cockerel or pullet?

    Sapphire GEM is what I meant to say
  20. genesis1981

    My favorite game. Is this a cockerel or pullet?

    Just wanted to post pics of this young hen. She did turn out to be a hen indeed obviously. But the Blue Andelusian are supposed to lay white eggs and she is lying blue green ones!!! So far she only lays once every 7 days or so. The other chicken I got with her (both we’re supposed to be sapphire...
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