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  1. ecwdavis

    Comment by 'ecwdavis' in article 'Tips for Successfully Sexing Your Chicks'

    I did the feather check - pointed tail feathers = roo Black Copper Maran Worked out, the batch of chicks I purchased were all hens, and the egg successfully hatched by my broody, was the roo. I got lucky.
  2. ecwdavis

    6 month old leghorn pullet violently attacking me worse than rooster

    The photo you posted made me say, 'that's a rooster'... Have you seen her lay an egg? Or had a day when every hen laid an egg? My Black Copper Maran Roo used to hang out in the nesting boxes, and would make the egg song when someone else laid an egg... I had to evict him a few times... he even...
  3. ecwdavis

    Comment by 'ecwdavis' in article 'Understanding Your Rooster.'

    Thank you for this rooster information! My 18month old French Black Copper Maran rooster has begun to charge me, when I take scraps out to the flock - 7 hens (4 Black Copper, 2 Cuckoo Marans [all 6 months old], 1 Australorp [3 years who hatched the rooster in question].) At the moment I have a...
  4. ecwdavis

    What was your worst mistake as a chicken keeper?

    I purchased 6 chicks - 2 Rohde Island Reds, 2 Australorps and 2 Black Sex Links. I did not realize chicks could get viruses so easily and I did not have Corid water to hand, and, lost 3 chicks. The chick my Australorp hatched 12 weeks ago - now is on medicated feed, and if anyone gets diarrhea...
  5. ecwdavis

    Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

    Here is a list of things that are not good for chickens - before I found it - I fed mine onions and citrus... say once every two weeks - did not seem to adversely affect them... but I have not fed them tomatoes, as I know they are the nightshade family... those go right onto the compost heap, so...
  6. ecwdavis

    Black Australorp not laying

    Thank you for the reply and info. I am thinking that the filling the rooster slot seems to be what is going on, I had not heard of chickens doing that before - but it does describe her behaviour. I will be getting more chicks in Spring - and see how she reacts to them - maybe she will become...
  7. ecwdavis

    Black Australorp not laying

    Her vent is smaller than the other hen, I am beginning to think she just won't lay. She is 18 months old now and even though she has scratched lots of depression nests in the nesting box, I have never seen her lay, and even when she was growling broody, it was only the sex links eggs under her...
  8. ecwdavis

    Black Australorp not laying

    Here is a picture of the chicken in question...
  9. ecwdavis

    Black Australorp not laying

    When I go to put them in I will take a picture of her. She has been broody, and was sitting in the nesting box this morning, but no egg... It's as if she looks like a chicken, but mentally acts like a rooster... odd indeed.
  10. ecwdavis

    Black Australorp not laying

    Hello all. My flock is small, was 3 - two black sex links and the Australorp. The 2 Sex links began laying last Christmas and I thought the Australorp was as well... then, one of the Sex Links died in July, and it became apparent the Sex Link remIning was the only one laying. The Australorp...
  11. ecwdavis

    Feather plucking

    She has been trotting along the cage wall, watching the other two, and not too bothered about going in the carrier today, but I will be putting her in there this evening. Husband says he will drill some holes to increase airflow, see how we go.
  12. ecwdavis

    Feather plucking

    Ah. Hm. I may have to turn the carrier upside down it has vents in the top. I will have my husband drill a couple of holes extra too, and put it up on blocks... see if that works. Thank you!
  13. ecwdavis

    Feather plucking

    Thank you for the rey. We have a coop extension, and I have a pet carrier that might work... I will give this a try, I have the chick food and watering bottles that should be enough for one hen... 😊
  14. ecwdavis

    Feather plucking

    Thank you for the reply. I did wonder about parasites, but the alpha chicken has no feather loss at all - and they all hang out together, so I'm thinking as she is showing no sign, that is not the issue. I will feed them more protein, the broody one in particular, I feel does not eat enough...
  15. ecwdavis

    Feather plucking

    I have 3 chickens Two black sexlink and a black Australorp. One of the sex links is alpha, the other tends to do her own thing and the Australorp is very broody. The non alpha sex link and Australorp have developed bald areas, on their hind ends and the Australorp on her belly, between her...
  16. ecwdavis

    Your opinion Best Backyard chicken breeds? free range, friendly, docile, good egg layers and color

    I have 2 Black Sex Links, and an Australorp. They all lay lovely big brown eggs. One of the Black Sex Links started bullying tbe other two, so I put chicken glasses on her, and all is quiet in the coop now. The Austrolarp is pretty noisy when she lays, and has recently been showing signs of...
  17. ecwdavis

    Baby chicks keep dying

    I lost 3 of my 6 chicks - I was not able to get Corrid water in time to save them... now if I see any kind of odd pooping I give them a dose in their water.
  18. ecwdavis

    Put peepers on my 1 yr old chicken yesterday - she seems to have stopped pooping now

    Thank you for the advice, much appreciated.😊 I was considering a boiled egg every now and then. I will put her in the extension for the next day or so, as she has been away for 2 weeks now, so its kinda like bringing a new chicken in. I will feed nothing but the layer food and cut back on the...
  19. ecwdavis

    Put peepers on my 1 yr old chicken yesterday - she seems to have stopped pooping now

    Its all OK!! I teized she was having difficulty using the chick feeder once the peepers were i stalled. As I put her in the old chick run, I also used the chick watering and feeding items. Before the peepers she was using both fine, then after the peepers she coukd n9 longer aim into the...
  20. ecwdavis

    Dominant vs lower chicken laying

    Thank you. I was not notified of your reply, hence the tardyness. I will look at my settings make sure I have notifications on.
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