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  1. noconachickenmama

    Roosters legs very red

    Ok, I found some old posts where people had the exact problem but I dont see that it was ever answered. My 10 month old Langshan roo has suddenly very red legs. It looks painful, but he doesn't act like it is. I've sent pics to a poultry vet, and he agrees that it is not mites or pox. He...
  2. noconachickenmama

    Rooster leg injuries

    I will try to get pics later. I have a 10 month old Langshan roo, very healthy flock. I just noticed today that he has what look like small wounds on his legs, almost like he has peeled off a few leg scales. there are a couple of parts around his leg feather that are red too. Now, no other...
  3. noconachickenmama

    I have to brag on my honey

    My sweet man just helped me build coop #2...this one is for grow outs. It's a 4'x10' coop inside a 10'x10' run with metal roof over all. We put fence panels on parts of it, and hardware cloth, but the panels provide shade and windbreak. I'm so excited!
  4. noconachickenmama

    Selling chicks

    So, I saw some old posts about this and just want to know if it has changed. What is the legal requirement for selling chicks from your home in Texas? Baby chicks, not chickens to eat. I have only 5 adult birds, soon to be 9. I want to raise and sell 2 breeds, maybe three. Not a lot, just...
  5. noconachickenmama

    Langshan and Cochin

    So, my start in chickens began with a lot of wrong info...but I digress. I have a Langshan rooster, which as a day old chick I was told was a silkie. Then, as he grew, that was obviously wrong. Then I thought due to size, coloration, feathered legs, and the fact that another roo was pulling...
  6. noconachickenmama

    Flock integratuon

    My first chickens are now about 7 to 8 months old. I have a roo and four hens. I purchased eight chicks for him, all hens, and they are now sleeping in the coop with the 5 older birds. But they dont free range together, and the older birds still chase them away. When will they accept them...
  7. noconachickenmama

    First hatch

    Ok, so I incubated 19 eggs. A week ago, I gave 2 to a hen that went broody with no eggs. She hatched one, kicked the other out. Of my 17, I have 10 chicks as of yesterday and the day before. So, any chance these 7 will hatch? No pips, no peeps. 4 are brown and I candled... they look like...
  8. noconachickenmama

    I hear peeping!!!

    I have 18 eggs in my incubator...first time hatching eggs. It is day 20 and I hear peeping! I'm so excited!
  9. noconachickenmama

    Bantam or Standard?

    Feel really silly asking this...but this is my second set of chicks, and I hope I'm just wrong...I ordered standard cochins... and I said to my boyfriend yesterday that they aren't growing as fast as my first chicks and maybe I'm not feeding them enough...he said they are bantams. They are six...
  10. noconachickenmama

    My hen stopped laying

    I have a 6 1/2 month old copper marans who has been laying daily. She stopped about 3 days ago, maybe 4. Shes acting broody, hiding in the coop and staying on the nest, but theres nothing under her but a golf ball, which I took away yesterday. We had jiked that she was hiding from the...
  11. noconachickenmama

    Preparing eggs for incubation

    So, I've been reading and I'm confused. Everything says store eggs pointy end down, but then says to turn them, which seems to be a 180 degree rotation on their while I'm collecting them to prepare for incubation do I store them pointy end down and just roll them around a bit 3 x...
  12. noconachickenmama

    Strange egg

    So, I have four hens about six months old, and two started laying a couple of weeks ago and two just maybe a week or so. Anyways they are different breeds so it didnt take much to figure out who is laying what. I'm getting pretty small but very dark eggs from my BCM, large tan eggs from my...
  13. noconachickenmama

    Curious about breeding

    If I have a Blue Standard Cochin rooster, what do I get if I breed him to other colors of Standard Cochins? I have buff, white, light (self) blue and gold and silver-laced pullets that I am raising.
  14. noconachickenmama

    First loss

    So, I've had chickens for 5 months and today was bittersweet...We had our first egg today, but I also found two of my birds dead this morning. I'm sure you've all experienced this...just bad luck. My boyfriend was out of town, I got off work late, and came home after dark. Maybe 45 min after...
  15. noconachickenmama

    Rooster problems

    I have a problem that started with buying from TSC. I was told all of the chicks in certain tubs were pullets. So I bought 8. 2 each of 4 breeds. Pretty sure at 5 months old now that I have 4 roosters. One of each breed. Dominant one is a Black Copper Maran. He's the only one that crows...
  16. noconachickenmama

    Size of coop/run

    So, reading about all the coop cleaning stuff and wondering if I really got too many birds....I thought my coop was big but my attached run is small - but plan to let them free-range when grown (they are only about 5 weeks-7 weeks old) I have 10 guineas and 8 chickens. My coop is 8x6 and 6'...
  17. noconachickenmama

    New to chickens

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hi, I am new to chickens; however, I have had guinea hens in the past, but a long time ago. What's funny is, I asked my boyfriend if I could get guineas, then after researching, found that the guineas are more likely to roost in a...
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