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  1. tdrengenberg

    Suddenly sick (New Hamp. Red)

    Good day Peeps. My 2 yo New Hampshire Red just suddenly dropped. Within 10 minutes of munching on some lettuce she dropped to the ground, head down, no movement. She is breathing. Until this happened I had not noticed any changes in her behavior. What do you suggest I do? I've never had to...
  2. tdrengenberg

    Hens picking on lone Bantam

    I have a flock of 7. Six of them I've had since they were days old. My one lone Bantam was brought in as a rescue five months ago. Things HAD been fine, until last week. My New Hamp Reds started chasing and pecking at the Bantam, quite viciously. This was new behavior. (Note: the Buff Orph...
  3. tdrengenberg

    Baby Silkie

    My sister gave my daughter a Silkie chick. She's 8 weeks old. Sadly, something got into my sister's pen and killed all her chickens, but this one. I have no idea what to do with ONE chick. Can I integrate her into my established flock? I'm worried that my Orpington's will be too rough. Can a...
  4. tdrengenberg

    Composting chicken waste

    I've been using pine shavings in the nesting boxes and roost. About once every 6-8 weeks I replace the shavings. I toss the shavings and poop into my compost bin. Is that correct? I sure hope I'm not suppose to be separating chicken waste from shavings. That would be a lengthy and gross job. So...
  5. tdrengenberg

    Tiny eggs

    Good afternoon Chicken Friends, My hens have been producing eggs for 6-7 weeks. They are making the tiniest little eggs. My question is this: Will the size of the egg change with time? I'm curious if the eggs start small, then as the hen matures the eggs may get grow/get bigger too. Or if...
  6. tdrengenberg

    They've found their voice.

    Hi. My chicks are now 20 weeks old. In the last week or two they have starting squawking often, and unusually loud. Does anyone know why they are 'talking' so much. Is this something they do before they start lying eggs? Are they hot (it's 100 degrees)? They do have shade and water. I keep...
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