Suddenly sick (New Hamp. Red)


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2020
Good day Peeps.
My 2 yo New Hampshire Red just suddenly dropped. Within 10 minutes of munching on some lettuce she dropped to the ground, head down, no movement. She is breathing. Until this happened I had not noticed any changes in her behavior.
What do you suggest I do? I've never had to deal with a sick or injured bird before.
I've read about egg bound hens, but her behavior doesn't seem to match what I've read....but I could be wrong.
Is her condition still the same? Did you see her after the lettuce or just before she collapsed? Is she flaccid all over? How old is she? Could she have been injured right before you found her this way? While injury would be the most common probability, she might have choked, or possibly could be suffering from botulism. A stroke or something sudden internally may have happened. I would bring her in to either the house or palace her in a dog crate within the coop. Add food and water if she has improved.

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