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  1. MightyChickenJF

    Keeping predators out of the run

    My mom was pleading with me this morning to give up on my chicken plans, because she's worried that the birds will quickly be eaten. I'm not sure if she realizes that the birds will be in a fenced, fabric roofed run-her father (my grandfather) let his chickens have the full run of his two acres...
  2. MightyChickenJF

    Placement of nesting boxes

    I bought a group of premade nesting boxes from a feed store, but I am not sure how far off the ground to put them. When I lived in Sacramento the next door neighbors were Ukrainian refugees who fled in the 1990s due to post-Soviet religious persecution, and their homebuilt boxes were around...
  3. MightyChickenJF

    Chicken coop/run 2024: The Planning

    Yay! I will FINALLY be able to have a chicken run starting spring 2024! Now for the planning: Coop: Will consist of two 4' x 8' sheets of plywood side by side for floor. Floor will be covered in peel-and-stick linoleum tile. Walls will also be 4x8 plywood, on 8' foot high pine studs. Roof will...
  4. MightyChickenJF

    Distilled water

    There has been a number of articles in the mainstream media about keeping chickens due to the egg shortage, and one recommended watering one's flock with distilled water. Do chickens really do best with distilled water, or is normal tap water sufficient?
  5. MightyChickenJF

    Using a plastic storage container as a baby chick brooder

    I know there has been at least one thread on this a long time ago but I can't find it. I am thinking of using a plastic storage container/bin to contain my baby chicks. (Yes, I'm new at raising chickens.) I want to turn it upside down with the lid side open to the ground so the chicks can grow...
  6. MightyChickenJF

    Dirt in chick keeper instead of wood shavings?

    I am wondering if, instead of traditional wood shaving scratch, I should put dirt in the bottom of the chick container. This might get the chicks used to the native soil and to eating the bugs that live in said soil. What do y'all think?
  7. MightyChickenJF

    Using old CD's to scare away airborne predators (hawks, etc)?

    I have an idea to keep hawks and other airborne predators away. I bought a stack of old blank CD's at a garage sale, the kind that used to be used for home data storage. Now, birds tend to be scared away by things that flash, my grandfather would use strips of aluminum foil to keep birds away...
  8. MightyChickenJF

    New Hampshire Red

    I was at River Valley Feed a couple days ago and I noticed that they had a good number of New Hampshire Red chicks in, both pullet and cockerel. I've been on the lookout for ideas in starting a flock of red chickens because of their hardiness. I've never heard of New Hampshire Reds though...
  9. MightyChickenJF

    Hello from Jefferson! (as of October)

    Hi, my name is Bryan, and as of October 2020 I will likely be posting from Siskiyou County, California, or as locals call it, the Republic of Jefferson. I will be totally off grid on 2.7 acres about 10 miles east of Hornbrook. I am planning on raising chickens for meat and eggs, thus I will need...
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