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  1. raccoonroom

    Duckling breed pictures?

    These are my Welsh Harlequins at three days old and each photo after was a week later. In the last photo, they are four weeks old. My Welshies at six weeks old here! πŸ₯° And here are my babies raiding my garden at eight weeks old! 🀣❀
  2. raccoonroom

    My ducks GO FISHING!! 😍

    Wow! A duck that hates the water? How old is she? My feather babies love their treats. I'm pretty sure I broke them though because they hardly ever forage now. They just follow me awaiting their next snack! Or maybe they're just really smart and trained me to do their bidding? 🀣
  3. raccoonroom

    My ducks GO FISHING!! 😍

    Hey fellow duck lovers! I gave my eight week old Welsh Harlequin ducks some feeder fish in their pool for the first time as a special treat and they definitely loved it! I really enjoyed watching them "go fishing" myself so maybe the treat was really mine πŸ₯°πŸ₯° How do you spoil your ducks? ❀
  4. raccoonroom

    Do your ducks like toys? What kind? 😍

    My ducklings are always tearing up toilet paper roll and pulling on strings exactly like kittens, so I bought them their own kitten toys πŸ˜„ OH man, they are super into it 😍 What do your ducks get into? How do you interact with them? πŸ₯°πŸ¦†
  5. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Thanks so much for your help! Swedish Ducks are gorgeous. How do you find their temperament? I just followed Tyrant Farms on Instagram! I remember reading their blog a while ago and totally forgot what it was called. They're actually the people that inspired me to raise WH as pets. Quite a...
  6. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    I completely agree that there's no rhyme or reason to what they're deathly afraid of! Today I set the sprinkler in the front yard instead of just using the hose on the garden and they FREAKED out. It's the same sprinkler they like in the backyard, but on the front yard? DEATH MACHINE!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  7. raccoonroom

    Jerk of a drake

    Outside of mating season, where does Ophelia sit in the pecking order? Have they always been together? I've read that drakes will subordinate hens they feel are a threat and eject her from the flock much like they would another drake as a show of dominance. Is Ophelia the dominant hen perhaps...
  8. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    🀣🀣🀣 OMG! What breed do you have? I feel like that probably plays a role in how they react to things right? My Welshies are obsessed with the tub, the shower, the pool and of course the beach (if it's not too wavy, they got tossed a bit on a windy day and now they won't go near the water when...
  9. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    I've had the EXACT same experience as you both! My ducks have a bath every single morning and they know it's coming because they start quacking in excitement when they hear the water turn on, but OH LORD THE DRAMA when I pick them up. 🀣Then they quack and honk because they want out, so they are...
  10. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Oh man, they are quickly becoming "not so little" guys. Having the three of them on the chair with me has become more and more difficult as they bigger they get, well the bigger their poops! I've handled the ducklings regularly since day one and they still don't appreciate being picked up. If...
  11. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    As do IπŸ₯° I tried to buy them diapers online because I thought the design was cute... It didn't work out too well 🀣🀣 The listing said "medium size fits macaws, African greys and similar sized fowl" Uhhh yeah, show me a full grown macaw that fits in the palm of your hand!! πŸ€¨πŸ˜‚
  12. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Awe thanks! I'm definitely a little obsessed with them and I guess the feeling is mutual haha πŸ˜„ They think our family is their flock so wherever we go, they go! And because of the pandemic we're either home with them all day or they're coming with us to an outdoor activity. My niece and...
  13. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    I haven't found a good tutorial for them. I tried it out with my son's old ankle socks, but they were cut wrong (which is kinda par for the course when I craft) and the socks were too thick. The ducks started panting immediately 😐 Maybe I could try panty hose? Ugh why wasn't I blessed with...
  14. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Thanks so much for that advice. My ducklings are growing crazy fast so hopefully I can make something that is adjustable, but like I said I'm very craft challenged haha So far they spend time on puppy pads or I take them outside for a while. I feel like my life would get real difficult chasing...
  15. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Hey there! Did you get a chance to take the duck diaper photo shoot? πŸ˜‚
  16. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    That's super cool! Do you mind kinda explaining how you make them or maybe showing a picture? I'm having a tough time making my own. What breed are your house ducks?? I'd love to see them!! 😍😍
  17. raccoonroom

    Crazy for Cochins!!

    Well he's absolutely gorgeous. I would love to show Cochins down the line, but I don't think I could get their feathers looking "show quality". Do you ever think about adding yours to a show?
  18. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    How often do you need to change their diapers? Do you buy them or make your own? Thanks
  19. raccoonroom

    House Ducks? πŸ˜πŸ¦†

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate your advice!
  20. raccoonroom

    What should I know about ducks.

    Hmmm... well they are MESSY!! Like so unbelievably messy. I added a baking tray with hardware cloth on top to create a basin to catch their water spills in the brooder, but it really didn't help that much. They found a way to knock the water dish off the baking tray and got their bedding soaked...
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