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  1. WARosie

    Looks like worms?

    Thank you!! Yes Scratch n peck layer pellets. For calcium they have access to their eggshells (baked), pelletized oyster shell and regular oyster shell. I am considering discontinuing using their own eggshells. Thanks again!
  2. WARosie

    Looks like worms?

    Just found this one too. Intestinal lining?
  3. WARosie

    Looks like worms?

    Also wanted to add one chicken is laying normally, there are only 2 adults in one coop and 8 9+ week old chicks in an adjoining coop divided with hardware cloth, so they could be exposed as well. Tips on treatment would be appreciated.
  4. WARosie

    Looks like worms?

    Hello I have a hen who was broody and sitting on eggs up until about 9 weeks ago, then started laying a few eggs again which started out well and then became thin. I started her on Calcium citrate 3 days ago to see if that will help. Yesterday she laid a soft shell egg with a thicker membrane...
  5. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Probably 2.5 to 3 inches long, an inch or so wide. Thanks again for the feedback. It is very much helping our decision making. Appreciate you all taking the time to help people on here. 💚
  6. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Thank you. I just posted some photos. My husband is holding one half if that helps for scale. She laid a shell-less egg with a bunch of poop this morning. The last time she laid an egg I had to pull a thin shell out of her vent. Then I have a butt soak to try to get anything out to avoid...
  7. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Thanks for the response! Here is the inside.
  8. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Warning, gross photo. Background: My big Marans was doing the crop dance back in June, so I treated her for impacted crop. It only went down so far and a mass wouldn’t go away. So then I started thinking maybe she has a tumor. After 2.5 or 3 weeks in a crate I put her back into the chicken...
  9. WARosie

    Chicken butt scabby not fluffy

    Scratch n peck layer pellets, scratch n peck Grubs a small amount almost daily, grass when they get out, sunflower seeds, etc. I have a chicken tractor that I use to let them on grass but protected from predators. They are pretty spoiled!
  10. WARosie

    Chicken butt scabby not fluffy

    Thanks her butt has been messy so just wanted to make sure. It’s been soooo rainy here so I haven’t let them out as much. but only 3 hens in big coop and a double run that is enclosed and covered with access all day, so lots of places to be. Chickens can be such jerks!
  11. WARosie

    Chicken butt scabby not fluffy

    Hi I noticed my chicken looking like she was missing some butt feathers so I picked her up to investigate. I found what looks like scabs and maybe some bruising. She has had more watery poops lately but I don’t see mites. The roost bar had a bit of blood on it a while back. Maybe the flock boss...
  12. WARosie

    Lethargic, watery poop, lifted rear

    Thank you! Yes they have TONS of oyster shell everywhere. I was late switching to layer feed, but they have been on it for a few weeks now. This egg she passed was soft shelled. I let them free range when it isn't raining so they can get sun for Vit D/calcium absorption. I am just so thankful...
  13. WARosie

    Lethargic, watery poop, lifted rear

    she was having trouble passing an egg. Not sure how to delete. Thanks 😆
  14. WARosie

    Non Activated Oxine on used chicken coop

    Not that I know of. Previous owner said chicken deaths could have been old age. I just painted everything so I might call it good
  15. WARosie

    Non Activated Oxine on used chicken coop

    Thank you! I already have the Oxine in my possession and I read on a blog that bleach can mix with the ammonia in a coop which then become toxic. So much info and so much is conflicting! I appreciate the feedback and will check into this product. :)
  16. WARosie

    Non Activated Oxine on used chicken coop

    Hi there, I have clicked and read so much but not getting a clear measurement for how many ounces of NON Activated Oxine per gallon I should use to disinfect a used chicken coop. We have scrubbed it all down and it has dried. It has also not had chickens in it for about a year. I just want to...
  17. WARosie

    Newbie wondering if we have hens

    Hi there! My birds are 8 weeks old now and I am feeling like they are hens but this is my first time. The double silver laced Barnevelder is fiesty and has a bit more red in its comb compared to the others so was questioning that. I know time will tell but hoping for some strong opinions one way...
  18. WARosie

    Lethargic chick

    Yes I’ve checked for pasty butt daily and they are eating organic starter from scratch & peck
  19. WARosie

    Lethargic chick

    I they had some of that 2 days previous. I switched to corid just in case since I lost one suddenly already. I read to not offer vitamins when using corid? Thanks!
  20. WARosie

    Lethargic chick

    Good morning! I joined because I am a new chick mom. Just got the chicks a week ago. Last night, everyone was happy and running around. This morning, one doesn’t want to get out of the brooder. She doesn’t want to eat while the others are going crazy. Any thoughts? I have a Brisnea Eco glow 1200...
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