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  1. MountainUp1

    Entertaining our peafowl

    What sorts of toys or games or tasks can be practiced with peacocks? I've heard some are entertained by a mirror. But can they learn tricks? Or is there anything we can do to entertain them, or help them be keep an active mind? Or do they just not get bored, like fish? We have two, a male...
  2. MountainUp1

    Dump dry cement through hardware cloth floor to help discourage rats?

    Built a coop with hardware cloth floor, which has worked well keeping snakes and those sorts out. But this year is our first we've been overrun by rats. Tried the bucket, and poison (in protected bait stations), both to no avail. They won't go up on bucket, and they aren't eating bait. I even...
  3. MountainUp1

    Handling 'wild' but tame peahen

    We have flock of twenty-some chickens. About five months ago, a lone peahen arrived from 'nowhere' and began free ranging with our chickens. She's never left us. She is so beautiful. We named her Lucy. We'll be hatching some new peahens from purchased fertile eggs next spring, and building a...
  4. MountainUp1

    Twenty-some chickens, two dogs, two cats, and a peahen on a mountaintop

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Grew up and lived in urban city center until five years ago. Then we moved to a remote mountain in a rural setting. Started by building a small 3x8 chicken tractor. Then an 8x8 coup. Added an outdoor 4x8 run. Now another 8x12...
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