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  1. sjhart18

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Not a prank, believe me. Wearing a sports bra for 24 days is too much of a commitment to the bit, even for me
  2. sjhart18

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Do you know why chicks typically die without internally pipping? Is it because they run out of nutrients from the yolk?
  3. sjhart18

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Hello! I know this is a super controversial topic and that there are very strong opinions about whether or not to assist in general. I'm asking specifically about what to do if the chick has been trying to break through the inner membrane for at least 24 hours. Stats: - Local chicken egg...
  4. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    In a fun turn of events, I miscounted my days lol Saturday was actually day 21, and today is day 23. It's hard to see into the egg rn but she wiggled a bit this morning so fingers crossed :fl
  5. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    She was still moving around when I candled for an internal pip this morning!
  6. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    Well day 21 is here for me, there's a damp paper towel in my bra to keep humidity up, all that's left is to wait and hope!
  7. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    senecafallsdown (I am now, apparently, the 5th google result when you google how to hatch an egg in a bra)
  8. sjhart18

    Bra incubation

    Yep! I hatched one in 2021. Very low success rate though.
  9. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    Posted this in my own thread but thought you all might be interested! This experiment happened in 2021 TLDR: It works, but not that well. (which we all knew by now lol) This was my junior year of college, and I wanted to witness "the miracle of life" so I bought an incubator and some quail...
  10. sjhart18

    Hatching a quail egg in my bra

    haha weird that I did it or weird that it worked? Because yes to both :)
  11. sjhart18

    Bra incubation

    Heya! When I did this last, I talked to several experts and the consensus was that a tissue or toilet paper layer is essential for keeping the egg separate from skin oils, and also for providing a small layer or air for the chick. Good luck!
  12. sjhart18

    Bra incubation

    I did this is 2021 with quail eggs and I'm considering doing it again with chicken eggs! Love to see bracubation is as alive and well now as it was then!
  13. sjhart18

    Hatching a quail egg in my bra

    Sorry for the lack of update! TLDR: It works, but not that well. This was my junior year of college, and I wanted to witness "the miracle of life" so I bought an incubator and some quail eggs. I was intrigued by the whole bracubation thing, so I gave it a try. It was clearly working, so I...
  14. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    Letti was moving and peeping for over a day and I should’ve just helped her the rest of the way but I wanted to give her a chance to hatch on her own. Alas, humidity was again my enemy and she ended up passing away on day 22 (four days late for a quail chick). I’m taking a break for a while to...
  15. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    Hi okay so I f***ed up, but technically there was nothing visibly wrong with my chick that hatched. It hatched completely unassisted and it was only me not thinking things through that resulted in her death. So I think we're 1 for 6
  16. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    On a more positive note (and believe me, after that horrific experience I need some positives in my life), C-section baby is still moving around and her membrane is fine. Her name is Letti and I will not be making the same mistake I made with Sprout when she hatches.
  17. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    I made a tragic mistake and hopefully, you guys can learn from it. I was letting baby dry off in the brooder because I figured it'd be better than my bra (I don't have my incubator running rn), but directly under the light was too warm and she couldn't walk well yet to get away... I'm a terrible...
  18. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    Don’t judge my technique too bad, I was pretty sure I was performing an eggtopsy!! Baby was early in day 21 of 18, no visible internal pip, no visible movement, so I decided to take a peek. Either she was dead or she was late enough that she might need a hand. So I opened up the air cell, still...
  19. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    a baby bird has emerged! No defects that I can see, I’m letting her dry off under the heat lamp in the brooder
  20. sjhart18

    Incubating in my bra

    GUYS GUYS GUYS A PIP!!!! One of the girls in my bracubator experiment has a quail egg that is HATCHING
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