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  1. 24Elsinore

    POST your chickens and describe them!

    So out of my batch of fifteen I am growing I have four I can describe. Petunia (above) and Nancy (below) are the sweet ones who just want to be with the people. They quickly climb onto our hands when the brooder is open, and will quietly chirp wanting to be let out if the brooder is closed...
  2. 24Elsinore

    Milkweed Runners

    In my experience milkweeds don't transplant too well during the growing season. I know it means a lot of waiting but the best way to do it would be to collect and sow seed in the fall. You also don't want to have people shipping you the plant parts because, for pollinators, you want to try and...
  3. 24Elsinore

    Banded Water snake or Moccasin?

    That's the first thing I noticed too. It has big round eyes and round pupils. It doesn't have the typical "angry" expression that vipers have.
  4. 24Elsinore

    HELP: How do I create friendly chickens??

    I am raising my first batch of fifteen chicks and have been spending time sitting with them multiple times a day. They are almost three weeks old at this point. They are all the same breed so I think a lot of it just comes down to personality as well. I have one that seems to want to be with me...
  5. 24Elsinore

    Color genetics and sexing of double laced Barnevelders

    I have 15 chicks that are about a week old. I purchased 3 roos and 12 pullets. So far there is not much I can see to tell them apart. Pretty much all of them have their primaries and secondaries which are all brown and black. A few are getting their tail feathers in and those are all similar...
  6. 24Elsinore

    What's blooming at your place?

    I am turning my ditch back into a proper wetland so that is why I planted them there. A lot of wetlands get overrun by cattails because of poor hydrology and that two different species of cattails have hybridized to make a very aggressive hybrid that can make monocultures. A healthy wetland...
  7. 24Elsinore

    What odd vegetables/fruits should I plant this year??

    My in-laws have a lot of mature wild plums on their property. The fruits are small, but tasty and plentiful. It is an excellent plant to add to the landscape. Grown in the open they will get big and round. I have Jerusalem artichoke in my native plantings. I spread seed I gathered from a native...
  8. 24Elsinore

    What's blooming at your place?

    Can I be weird and show of my native wetland rushes that are in bloom? All my spring wildflowers are done and now I am waiting for the summer ones to start.
  9. 24Elsinore

    Is this a weed in my garden bed????

    Back when I was still living in Champaign IL, I used to volunteer doing natural areas restoration for the Urbana Park District. About 10 years ago they acquired a property where the water treatment facility used to dump their biosolids. The land manager told me the year after they stopped...
  10. 24Elsinore

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not exactly sure what your soils are like in Arkansas but blueberries generally require acidic soils to thrive. I apologize if you already know this. It's just that here in northern Illinois a lot of people buy blueberries and then wonder why they always fail because they don't know that our...
  11. 24Elsinore

    Looking for very friendly good layers for backyard

    I'm in the Chicago suburbs and I just received my order of Barnevelders last week. I was searching for the same traits in a breed, though I'll say friendliness would top egg production for me. So far the chicks are pretty docile, and will let me pet and hold them without screaming and running...
  12. 24Elsinore

    The Millennials Thread (Gen Z is welcome too)

    Well I had a fun end to father's day. At 11pm me, my wife, the two kids, a dog, three cats and a turtle were all camped out in the basement while a tornado ripped through town two miles to the south of us. We were all fine; the storm didn't even blow the inner tubes out of the pool...
  13. 24Elsinore

    The Mighty Barnevelder

    Alright. Have to share a couple of chick pictures. Hard to resist!
  14. 24Elsinore

    Tell me about your 2021 mail order chick experiences so far

    One thing I should have put in my post above is that my tracking information never updated until it arrived at the post office. I went early just to make sure it hadn't arrived, and made sure to ask them if they'd call me me when it arrived. Cackle Hatchery in their shipping info explicitly said...
  15. 24Elsinore

    The Mighty Barnevelder

    My shipment of barnevelder chicks arrived today! They are eating, drinking, using the brooder plate, and becoming more active. Looking forward to joining the ranks raising the mighty Barnevelder! I'll post some pictures tomorrow after they have had a chance to recover from their journey.
  16. 24Elsinore

    The Millennials Thread (Gen Z is welcome too)

    I went with all barnevelders this time. I thought they looked pretty and the description of them hit all the points I wanted so I figured I'd get some.
  17. 24Elsinore

    Tell me about your 2021 mail order chick experiences so far

    Got my order from Cackle Hatchery this morning. They were shipped Monday, said they'd arrive as late as today, and I got a call this morning as soon as the post office opened. I ordered 15, they gave me 16, but one looked like it died pretty early on as it was dry and flattened. The rest looked...
  18. 24Elsinore

    The Millennials Thread (Gen Z is welcome too)

    My chicks arrived today! Ordered 15, they sent 16, and one looked like it died early in the process. The rest are now drinking their nutridrench and heating themselves under the brooder plate! Finally get to consider myself an actual chicken owner now!
  19. 24Elsinore

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Is it possible you got close to it's nest? Redwinged Blackbirds are notorious for attacking people close to their nests. Screech owls will do it too. Odds are if the county wildlife removes the hawk it will come back. If it is nesting I'd try to find a way to drive it off to find a better site.
  20. 24Elsinore

    The Millennials Thread (Gen Z is welcome too)

    Are any of those native to Texas? ELSINORE IS DISAPPOINT.😵‍💫
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