HELP: How do I create friendly chickens??

I know everyone says treats, but I can’t really find things they like!

Maybe take some of their usual chick starter, and get it wet with water.
I've found that chickens of all ages seem to like it that way.

I've had chicks eat it from a dish or from my fingers, and the same with older chickens.
They will usually come running if they see me coming with the dish, and crowd around to gobble this great "treat."
Maybe take some of their usual chick starter, and get it wet with water.
I've found that chickens of all ages seem to like it that way.

I've had chicks eat it from a dish or from my fingers, and the same with older chickens.
They will usually come running if they see me coming with the dish, and crowd around to gobble this great "treat."
I did their chick starter and wet it...I tried just a tad bit water, little more, etc. I even tried the fermented and chicks hate me.
I did their chick starter and wet it...I tried just a tad bit water, little more, etc. I even tried the fermented and chicks hate me.
Chickens are definitely individuals. Some like a particular treat the first time they encounter it, some think about it for a while, and some just do not want it at all. It sounds like you've got some difficult ones.

But things can change as they grow older, so even if they seem to hate you or be afraid now, that might improve with time.

Chickens of mine will usually come running when I put down food they like, but they do not want to be grabbed or petted. I'm just used to chickens acting that way, so it doesn't bother me, but I know that some other people have much friendlier chickens.
I am raising my first batch of fifteen chicks and have been spending time sitting with them multiple times a day. They are almost three weeks old at this point. They are all the same breed so I think a lot of it just comes down to personality as well. I have one that seems to want to be with me all the time, and another four that immediately run over and hang out when I sit down. Then there are the other seven who come over after the other five have left the flock; they like to be where the action is but aren't as willing to be touched. Then the last three just don't seem to want anything to do with me. They are even tepid when I have treats.

I have been fairly consistent with my visits and behavior, and since they are all the same breed I am just chalking it up to personality at this point. As a caveat though, I have a neighbor who had chickens last year, and several of them quickly turned from stand-offish to extremely friendly after a few months. Soooooo, I guess just keep at it. They are chicks and are vulnerable, they may very well become more friendly as they mature and spend time with you.
Chickens are definitely individuals. Some like a particular treat the first time they encounter it, some think about it for a while, and some just do not want it at all. It sounds like you've got some difficult ones.

But things can change as they grow older, so even if they seem to hate you or be afraid now, that might improve with time.

Chickens of mine will usually come running when I put down food they like, but they do not want to be grabbed or petted. I'm just used to chickens acting that way, so it doesn't bother me, but I know that some other people have much friendlier chickens.
The only thing I've found they like is watermelon and strawberries and raspberries. They literally picked out the blueberries and took them like 5 feet away and left them there...I was like what?!?
Oh n they luv getting in my garden and decapitating my tomato plants that are just 2" tall!
I did their chick starter and wet it...I tried just a tad bit water, little more, etc. I even tried the fermented and chicks hate me.
The only thing I could get my chicks to take as a treat, was prepared cream of wheat mixed with Greek yogurt…they loved that! Also I would pick each one up individually and hold them close to my chest for 15-20 mins each. A couple were very cuddly but the other 4 didn’t really like it. It takes time and persistence, but they will come around eventually if you are patient. Just today my one super scared of me chick that is now a ten age boy and always runs away from me unless I have treats—jumped up in my lap and let me pet him for a couple mins. I’ve had him for 3 months and for at least 1.5 months I have sat in their run everyday for an hour or more and just watched them. He took the longest, but now all my chickens let me pet them and pick them up and two will visit me and sit with me while I’m out with them. Just takes time! :) sounds like you're doing all the right things, just be consistent and they’ll get there! :)
Just give them some time. Three to four weeks old is still very young. At their age, they tend to run from pretty much everything. Just get down on your hands and knees around them, don't reach for them, and sprinkle some feed on the ground. all chickens have a natural instinct to scratch, and after a short while they will associate you with food. Do not reach for them, and all of your motion around them should be slow and deliberate.
At about 6-8 weeks, they will calm down quite a bit, depending of course on the breed. At that time, I start them on mealy worms. Most chickens will love them, the extra protein is good for them, and when one starts to eat, the rest soon follow. Once you get them eating treats every day, try getting one to eat them from your hand. Once that happens, another will follow, and pretty soon you will get swarmed by them all when you walk into the coop/run. Again, it just takes time. Around week 12 they should be pretty much gang-tackling you at feeding time. Some breeds are friendlier than others, but the quickest way to get them to like you is to get them conditioned to see you as the food-bringer.
Hey guys!
I have 5 chicks that are nearly 4 weeks old - a cuckoo maran, a speckled Sussex, and 3 silkies.
I want to raise them to be friendly pets, but I’m becoming discouraged. It’s making me spend less time with them because I’m just not sure what to do! :(
They aren’t liking being held much anymore.
Is it too late? What can I do to make them friendly?? I’m desperate😭

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Hi Korpse- Some breeds are more naturally flighty, but I sat with them for stretches everyday- sometimes twice a day and I know they recognize and anticipate it now, when I can. A few jump on my back when I'm leaning down, a couple let me pick them up gently from underneath. I'm careful not to grab them from above too much- or very gently when needed to confine their flapping when necessary ( thats like compressing there lungs as I understand it) I wouldn't exactly say they are friendly, so much as very familiar and un afraid - given that they follow me around ( and are annoyingly and dangerously sometimes underfoot) - likely purely because Im the one who consistently feeds them- but it's sweet, none the less. I've also developed enough trust with them to have them sit on my hands and transfer them to thier indoor roosting box at dusk- if they've not done so on thier own- when west winds weather looks blustery overnight- it takes time -( they are a little over a year now) Good luck! its a worthy pusuit!

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