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  1. C

    Gasping Tom Turkey

    Ok, I’ll keep an eye on them but thank you so much for the suggestions I’ll keep those in mind moving forwards
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    Is this ok ? Also he is doing a bit better his balance is still a bit off though is this also from the heat?
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    This is what he looks like now, it’s way cooler in the shop, and I think his pee looks ok? But he’s still panting and not drinking much I’ll see if I can figure out his breed but I’m pretty sure he’s overheated, how long does it usually take for them to cool down? Thank you for all the...
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    So he couldn’t get his feet into the water without falling over so I’ve got him into our shop where it’s cooler with some water shoild this be ok? He’s still panting and he’s just standing
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    I t Ok I’ll try that thank you
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    I’m not sure what his breed is my dad got them and doesn’t pay attention but I think he’s just really hot because I think he’s panting and not gasping how do I cool him down
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    Gasping Tom Turkey

    hello everyone please help if you can my Tom is four years old and today he’s not fluffing up and he’s off balance and gasping for air He is also in the same pen as chickens and I’m not sure this should be because of black head disease which we just learned about trying to figure out what’s...
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    Baby chicken

    Hi, we have a new baby chicken and it’s mother abandoned it so we had to take it inside, we have noticed that he walks funny but there’s no defects that we notice (not spraddle or splay leg) and he keeps falling onto his back and has trouble getting on his feet, we also notice he looks like he’s...
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    Lonely baby chick

    Ok thanks for all the info I’ll see if she improves with the new feed and I’ll look into getting chick feed, and I’ll see how my dad wants to go about things Thanks again
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    Lonely baby chick

    Ok I will talk to my dad about what he wants to do, but if she does end up having chicks would we still be able to introduce this one to her or would it be to old? And no I don’t see any def she just waddles around and falls over often And I grounded up some hen feed to give to her and...
  11. C

    Lonely baby chick

    we’re not exactly sure how long she’s been sitting on eggs, we estimate a week at most but our chickens our outside and winter is coming so we don’t think it would be the greatest for her to have the chicks now anyways unless we’re wrong- we’re new to having chickens so would babies even survive...
  12. C

    Lonely baby chick

    Hi, recently one of the eggs hatched of our hen and she wasn’t taking Proper care of it so I had to take it inside, however we do have a Broody hen sitting on some eggs right now, should I put the baby with her? My concern is that it’s pretty cold in the nighttime now and the chick won’t survive...
  13. C

    Humidity help

    Hi, I’m trying to incubate eggs again this year and my humidity seems to be stuck at 42 and all the water channels are full and when I did the same thing last year the humidity was fine - just wondering if my incubator is broken or if I should get a different humidity checker, or if my humidity...
  14. C

    Crow broken leg

    Hi everyone, My brother found a crow that wasn’t moving on the side of the road and instead of leaving it he bought him home and put him in a cage with some food and water. He seems to have a broken leg and I put him out where he had more room but he didn’t move for three hours but he is still...
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    Injured quail leg

    So I was just out there with it and it’s trying to stand up on its own so I will leave him for a couple of days and keep a close eye on him and if he doesn’t improve then we will cull him because he seems fine other wise and I just don’t want to do anything so soon if there is a chance that he...
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    Injured quail leg

    Maybe two days, at first we didn’t think anything was wrong with it, we thought it might just be stunned so we separated him from the others but then when he tried walking around he couldn’t. Also how do I split it, these are my first quails?
  17. C

    Injured quail leg

    We don’t have a vet here doe quails so I kind of have to wing it sadly
  18. C

    Injured quail leg

    So my quails leg accidentally got stepped on when we were putting them back in their cage for the day (it’s a long complicated story) but now he can’t walk and he’s moving himself around with his head and kind of dragging his body, we were going to put him down but he seems pretty content, he...
  19. C

    Injured quail leg

    So my quails leg accidentally got stepped on when we were putting them back in their cage for the day (it’s a long complicated story) but now he can’t walk and he’s moving himself around with his head and kind of dragging his body, we were going to put him down but he seems pretty content, he...
  20. C

    Paralyzed quail

    What would be the best way to do that, I’m new to this and I want to make sure he’s not in any more pain
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