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  1. SCchickengal

    Mystery Deaths

    The Brahma had a larger gash wound on the breast area. When I interrupted two hawk visits before, they had the birds ripped open and gruesome. I didn’t interrupt anyone this time and the wounds just weren’t that bad. Not ruling out a hawk, I guess I’ll never know. Wish I did! Those were my two...
  2. SCchickengal

    Mystery Deaths

    This is the current state of the backyard. Under construction with a pool and landscaping. Not a lot of cover or anything.
  3. SCchickengal

    Mystery Deaths

    I have never seen a mink. Which doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but again, we live in a highly populated area, and we have 3 dogs and a resident rabbit that frequents our backyard. We live in Columbia SC, specifically. This attack was around noon, which is a strange hour for several common...
  4. SCchickengal

    Mystery Deaths

    Our girls loved to free range, but that’s when we had all of the other attacks before yesterday so we quit letting them free range and built this enclosed run that has a good bit of coverage overhead but is open air nonetheless. We were letting them in this part only partial hours of the day. I...
  5. SCchickengal

    Mystery Deaths

    We had two deaths yesterday around Noon. Our fully grown Buff Brahma and Cinnamon Queen hens. Over the past year we’ve had a few other deaths. Two of them have definitely been hawks, and two others were less obvious (no one was caught, no one was devoured, one barely punctured and one not dead...
  6. SCchickengal

    What do you ask for a teenage roo that you want to go to a good home?

    Particularly, a blue splash cochin that is docile and almost 4 months old. Located in SC. What’s the going rate for a cockerel like this? I’m upset I have to get rid of him so I want him to go somewhere he’ll be taken care of. I have several folks interested in him but don’t know what to ask. I...
  7. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin m/f guesses?

    Definitely a roo for anyone who needed confirmation down the road. Lol
  8. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin

    Update: Def a cockerel, but handsome nonetheless!
  9. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin

    I’m new to Cochins, what gives it away? The feathering isn’t as obvious with the hackle/saddle feathers as the standards, and while I see the size of the comb and wattles, they seem to be less red than they seemed before, but is that just because of his light color?
  10. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin

    9 weeks, BBS Cochin Really thought/still think this is a rooster. Does anyone have any doubts that it may be a pullet?
  11. SCchickengal

    Golden Laced Wyandottes + Dark Brahma M/F

    He’s a good boy. I’m so mad I can’t keep him. But! He’s got a home with me until he crows. 🥹
  12. SCchickengal

    Golden Laced Wyandottes + Dark Brahma M/F

    Oh! Yes. He is a blue splash Cochin and most certainly a he. 😆
  13. SCchickengal

    Golden Laced Wyandottes + Dark Brahma M/F

    LO? There are 4 different GLW pictured and VERY hard to tell apart currently. 🤪. Lol Which # photo you think may be boy?
  14. SCchickengal

    Golden Laced Wyandottes + Dark Brahma M/F

    Any reason to think any of these are cockerels? GLW and DB. They are all almost 7wks.
  15. SCchickengal

    Integration question? (Silkie+babies)

    Yes, actually she is somewhere around 3 weeks. I told my husband I wished I’d have thought of it sooner when she’d just started getting broody again. They would’ve only been around 2wks at the time, and I feel our silkie would’ve been in baby heaven. 😆 That’s a good idea, to have them a place to...
  16. SCchickengal

    Integration question? (Silkie+babies)

    So, I have a small flock of 6 hens. 5 of them coexist peacefully but one silkie that was bought separately with a polish (that was killed by hawk) is constantly singled out. 😢 It’s been this way for months, as I think her Polish friend was killed in December. She is broody often as silkies are...
  17. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin m/f guesses?

    I’ve had my eye on him from about day 3. 😂 He has a home with me until he squawks.
  18. SCchickengal

    BBS Cochin m/f guesses?

    This little one is 23 days old: BBS Cochin. We still have a ways to go on feathering but curious! Guesses on gender?
  19. SCchickengal

    Who is laying this egg?

    That sounds most relaxing! But unfortunately my 5yo, 2yo, and 3mo old do not speak relaxing language. 😂
  20. SCchickengal

    Who is laying this egg?

    Consistent for about two weeks. These four birds are our new egg layers, I just wasn’t expecting a dark brown speckle egg! I like to know who’s laying what if at all possible.
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