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  1. Michaelamarie


    my hens are all 3 years old. The 2 roosters are about 9 months they were hatched by one of my broody hens (I gave her fertilized eggs) Only one of my hens has a bald back. I’ve watched both roosters go after her at the same time. The other hens seem to fight back so to speak, I’ve seen them...
  2. Michaelamarie


    Ok. One of my girls is getting a bald back. There’s no aggression with the two roosters though.
  3. Michaelamarie


    I have 7 hens and 2 roosters. Should I get rid of one rooster or is that an ok ratio? Thanks
  4. Michaelamarie


    Foghorn Leghorn is growing up to be so handsome…for a barnyard mix 🥰
  5. Michaelamarie

    Broody hen

    I have a broody hen who’s about to hatch some chicks. She’s bullied the most so I’m worried about her chicks when they hatch. Where she’s nesting is perfect for a baby gate. Would that be enough safety or do I need a top?
  6. Michaelamarie


    Interesting to hear it looses effectiveness. Good to know..I will try these, thank you.
  7. Michaelamarie


    Valbazen kills all worms that’s why I specifically bought it. I’m not new to deworming. Just wanted to know about her limping. Thanks.
  8. Michaelamarie


    .5 ml valbazen in a small piece of bread twice 7 days apart? That’s what I’ve done in the past.
  9. Michaelamarie


    It’s the ones that look like rice. I’m not sure how long she’s had them, I noticed she had a limp last night and wouldn’t rooste so I quarantined her today and saw worms. Initially I thought she sprained her leg or something. And it’s just one foot. She tries to walk but ends up laying down...
  10. Michaelamarie


    Yes she does.
  11. Michaelamarie


    Can worms cause a hen to limp?
  12. Michaelamarie

    Bumble foot?

    One of my girls has a swollen toe. Thought it was bumble foot but when I opened it there was no kernel just blood and the tissue looked fairly healthy. I sprayed it with vetericyn and put neosporin and Prid on it then wrapped it up. It is bumble or not? I also soaked in epsom.
  13. Michaelamarie


    Is anyone located in Klamath Falls? I’m looking For someone to put my 5 chickens to bed and let them out. We will only be gone for one night. Will pay, let me know your price, and of course take any eggs!😊 TIA
  14. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    Thank you so much. I added where I live to my profile. I posted on the next door app and it wasn’t successful. I do say I’ll pay and take any eggs of course😊 I didn’t even think of asking the vet😊 and the feed store as well…thank you so much!
  15. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    My neighbor. Must have been spell check. I only have one elderly neighbor. Still irrelevant. I was asking about a sitting website or leaving the coop open…..Next time I will make my post less detailed and more blunt. New to this site. Now I know😉
  16. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    I’m not irritated at all. I simply answered her question of why. I just added that asking me “why” an elderly neighbor can’t help wasn’t necessary. Have a good night😊
  17. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    What was her realistic suggestion? I already said in my original post I cannot ask my neighbor.
  18. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    My neighbor is 90, deaf and can hardly walk. Guess I should have been more specific for you. Please don’t comment unless you can help with someone’s question. Your comment was useless.
  19. Michaelamarie

    Chicken sitter

    I will try posting there, thank you for your help😊
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