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  1. ABakes09


    It was a duplicate post and I can’t get it deleted. My real post is a separate thread
  2. ABakes09


  3. ABakes09

    1 year old salmon favorelle not laying

    I have a salmon favorelle who’s over a year old. I got her last June and she was already close to laying age…..or so I thought. A year later and still no eggs. She is a roo favorite and frequents nesting boxes often for her “smoke break”. The last two weeks though she has been spending hours in...
  4. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    Yay!! Egg laying time is so much fun. Ginger is only 13weeks so I have a little more time to “patiently wait. ” in her flock mates I have her who’s an EE, a spearmint egger, olive egger, and a splash ameracuana. They are “hopefully” going to lay the prettiest group of eggs. Ginger is still...
  5. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    Glad yours is doing better. We finished 5 days of oral tylan-50. I noticed on day 2 or 3 of it she was having a lot of intestinal shedding. Upon closer inspection I found round worms in a lot of her poop. My only guess is the antibiotic that I was giving her was killing them off. So I started...
  6. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    I get it these chicken illnesses can be confusing and funky. I thought it was just an injury but when I saw bubbles I panicked slightly. Bought Tylan-50 tonight. Think I will try it orally twice a day for the 5 days and see if it helps her. The dosing is so different depending on which source...
  7. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    No. Since she really doesn’t have any other symptoms I haven’t isolated her. They free range all day so have lots of space
  8. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    Yes definitely possible while she was sick it could have been pecked. But with it having bubbles the last couple of days off and on it made me think differently. I’m at a loss
  9. ABakes09

    Irritated eye possible MG?

    I have a 12 week old pullet who had coccidosis a couple weeks ago. Have CORID she got better. The next day her left eye was irritated and seemed pushed back slightly. Put the terramycin ointment on her eye for 7 days with no change. After a couple of weeks like this she started getting some...
  10. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    I had it on hand from a bad bout of coccidosis in last years chicks. I changed the water and now have the CORID and sulfa abx in the water. I do have safeguard. The first sick on died. The second one that has been lethargic seems to be perking up. Scratching and free ranging. Eating and drinking...
  11. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    So can I do both in the water?
  12. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    I bought the liquid goat dewormer. How should I use it to deworm if I put the other in the water
  13. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    So would you go VORID or sulfa abx in the water
  14. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    It’s the injectable ivermectin. I was told by a breeder 4mL in a gal of water for worms. So I added it. Just maybe 3 hours ago. The birds are 10 weeks old. I hatched them via shipped eggs from someone in state. They are on medicated feed, but do free range all day my sickest one is separated I...
  15. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    Found this under the roost? Not exactly bloody but??? If they have already been drinking water with ivermectin can I give them CORID too? I have another hen acting lethargic now!
  16. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    Can o add corid to the ivermectin water?
  17. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    I have a couple with runny poop that’s white and one that’s green smelly. I’ve delt with coccidosis in the past this doesn’t seem the same. Here is poop from some of the other birds. No blood. No puffing up. One of my other EE may be starting to get lethargic. Just started ivermectin in their...
  18. ABakes09

    Purple comb milky poop

    He just pooped on the towel. I know it’s hard to see
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