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  1. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    I have a Chicken math problem. A wannabe farmer has 30 silkie chicks all between 2 and 8 weeks old. (Insert cross the road joke here....Make it a good one.) What are the odds one or two will be broody next spring-ish? (Im under the impression that they start laying around 6 months and spring...
  2. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    I told her not to worry about it. We all have night time accidents when we are young. 0_o
  3. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Tired, Bruised, Cut up, and doing it again tomorrow... Still having fun. Why? Tomorrow should be the first day with a closed run in awhile. The pig and the new goat teamed up on the run fence and keeping it chicken proof was.... spiritually taxing 0_o Behind the...
  4. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    I found the culprit. 0_o I have found like 3 eggs she has buried like this.. Im gonna try and hatch em at once and call em "The Dirty Birdys" 0_o
  5. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Im not really sure how to describe what i just saw.... a flock of chickens using the force?... maybe telepathy?.... 0_o So there it is... a dirt covered egg in the run... just there.. so i do the normal thing, I slide down the pole the the chicken cave.. Now donning my tights i jump on the...
  6. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Someone laid an egg just a bit bigger than a quarter... one that small is a common anomaly (not something to be concerned over) and not viable.... correct? It probably matters so i should add that the egg is from a chicken not one of the Goats... Still waiting for them to start laying...
  7. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    i found something im good at.. Unfortunately its killing chicks. ,0_o I had some temp problems the last couple days. Also i think i put a few in a day early so i have 10 hatching 3 died hatching one had unabsorbed yolk so i tried to keep it still but it got out of the warm wet sock and...
  8. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    So a chick has a thing.... Uhhh.. like a placenta hanging from the back? I saw some unabsorbed yoke online but.... placenta looking, flat, dangely meat is what im seeing here... no yellow color or anything.. chick seems fine....tired but fine. Advice? 0_o Pics in a few
  9. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Chicken Butt 0_o
  10. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    HEY! Guess What?!
  11. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    I rebuilt the window roost into a 3 story Redneck chicken mansion. a coop underneath for pullets and cockerels a brooder on top and a Roost For my first chick (still surviving... hawk got the other). I think its a male and i made sure he has some room to bring the ladies home. (or her to pick a...
  12. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Next on my list is giant Brahmas, jersey Giants some saddles and some border collie puppy's.. The mounted Herd dogs This will just be a thing at my house now
  13. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    So how likely is it an ostrich snuck into my flock? If not an ostrich... how do i know witch hen has a hemorrhoid now?
  14. Nanashi 0_o

    Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

    Soooo... Chicken's Sneeze?!?!
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