Swamp Farm Startup 0_o

Someone laid an egg just a bit bigger than a quarter... one that small is a common anomaly (not something to be concerned over) and not viable.... correct?
Open it up, see what's inside.

They often don't have yolks so no would not be viable.
Ditto Dat!

Fairy, fart, wind, rooster eggs are usually from a tiny piece of tissue breaking loose from the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) and the body forms an egg around it. Color can be darker than 'normal' as the pigment coating released has to cover a much smaller area so is thicker. Can happen with any age layer, but more common with older layers.
Im not really sure how to describe what i just saw.... a flock of chickens using the force?... maybe telepathy?.... 0_o

So there it is... a dirt covered egg in the run... just there.. so i do the normal thing, I slide down the pole the the chicken cave..
Now donning my tights i jump on the security cams.

So im scanning back and the egg just pops up... slow it down and there is opie.. the dopie orpie.

She is just strutting her stuff and BAM! the chicken tingle..

she just looks at the ground and pulls a move she must have learned from that ostrich hiding in my flock.. FWIP.. head slams into the ground and poof its gone... under the dirt.. pops up.... and nothing.. she walks off... now the bard rock struts by... same...darn...thing... no idea how they knew it was there... but they did..
A few rounds go by and nobody has managed to pull eggscalibur up.. Suddenly dashing from nowhere stage right is the pretty mama bird on a mission... bowling the peanut gallery to the side and scattering feathers, she blasts onto the sceen and like a BOSS, Head down, little leverage and POP! there it is..

She gives the peanut gallery a look and walks off like yea... you can have that.

Ill continue to observe in an attempt to learn there secrets.

I found the culprit. 0_o


I have found like 3 eggs she has buried like this..

Im gonna try and hatch em at once and call em "The Dirty Birdys"

Tired, Bruised, Cut up, and doing it again tomorrow... Still having fun.










Tomorrow should be the first day with a closed run in awhile.

The pig and the new goat teamed up on the run fence and keeping it chicken proof was.... spiritually taxing 0_o


Behind the incubator... i thought they were all hanging out to check out the new chick sound... there were 2 piles like this by the time i got it all finished up and the incubator remade.

Pig got a new fountain pond that loops out to the swamp out of the deal.


I got the bruises
I have a Chicken math problem.

A wannabe farmer has 30 silkie chicks all between 2 and 8 weeks old.

(Insert cross the road joke here....Make it a good one.)

What are the odds one or two will be broody next spring-ish?

(Im under the impression that they start laying around 6 months and spring is when they tend to be broody... but also that they tend not to be broody until closer to a year-ish?)

I could ask uncle google but... im here so.... why?


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