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  1. Z

    Blood covered egg!!!

    Sorry, forgot to add some info. It's being warm past few days - mid-80s and humid. These chickens free range and I have water dispensers around the yard. After I crack open the egg, the inside of the egg was normal (although the yolk was not as deep colored). The shell was noticeably more...
  2. Z

    Blood covered egg!!!

    Thanks for all your reply. This morning, the egg from the leghorn still had blood smeared all over, but to a much lesser degree. The chicken poop was also bloody and slimy. There were multiple blood spots within the chicken coop. I spent the morning driving around Guilford, CT area looking...
  3. Z

    Blood covered egg!!!

    She’s a 2yrs old leg horn. Never happened before. This morning she’s lethargic and seems to have blood in poop as well.
  4. Z

    Blood covered egg!!!

    Hello, When I picked up the eggs today, I've noticed that one of the eggs is completely covered in dried blood! The pine shaving around is also stained. Behavior wise, the hens are normal - they are running around the yard scratching and having fun. Any suggestions on what to do next?
  5. Z

    Pesticide and free ranging chicken?

    I don't know if these standing water will support fishes. They turn into mud cake when it's dry. There are however a LOT of frogs (and toads), I have to be careful not stepping onto them while walking dog after dark. Have not heard of "mosquito dunks" before... googling now. edit: frog +...
  6. Z

    Pesticide and free ranging chicken?

    I think this might be a good compromise. Spray the immediate surroundings of the house so I don't have to swat out spider webs as I step I out of door in the morning, but still not over apply.
  7. Z

    Pesticide and free ranging chicken?

    I have the liquid fly traps setup throughout the property on the outer perimeters. They attract a good number of flies but does nothing for mosquitos.
  8. Z

    Pesticide and free ranging chicken?

    Hello! We live in a heavily wooded area that backs into a forest, with plenty of standing water both on property and in the woods. Recently it's humid and the horsefly / mosquito situation is getting pretty bad. Previous years I'd spray the property with deltamethrin once a month and that's...
  9. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    Here it is - looking a little upset for missing breakfast.
  10. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    Hawk attack again this morning! This time I'm prepared, muwahaha. Past couple of weeks, I've put up bird net over the area of chicken run that's most exposed, and I've created a spider web of baler twines on areas where it's more wooded. I was outside splitting some wood and heard a raucous...
  11. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    Past couple of days I've obsessively looked through every tree branch visible from my coop (I live in woods, this was no small feat) with a pair of 10x42 binoculars. Couldn't see any hawks. How do y'all spot hawks?
  12. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    Thanks everyone. I've not (previously) intended to keep the chickens in the enclosure long term - the enclosure was meant for when we (humans) were out from house and needed to keep poultry safe behind 2 layers of defense (electric + physical barrier). However now as a necessity I need to...
  13. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    I'm located in southern CT, about half hour out from New Haven. Hawks are definitely local to our area! Our house is located pretty deep in the forest. Our guess is that during the summer time, the tree canopies probably shielded the flock from hawks (hawks don't fly IN the forest, do they?)...
  14. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    BTW I have 6 hens left. The coop is about ~20sq ft and the enclosure is about 110sq ft. The free ranging area is much larger at around 1000sq ft.
  15. Z

    hawk attack lockdown

    Hello everyone! Wanted to get your thoughts on the duration of post-hawk attack lockdown. This is the first (albeit 2 consecutive back-to-back attacks) since we got the flock. We had the flock since spring of last year. They are located in a very deeply wooded + shaded area. Their living...
  16. Z

    frozen / dried stuck poop aftercare

    "egg or two" -> That was referring to the size of the poop / dirt that's stuck.
  17. Z

    frozen / dried stuck poop aftercare

    Hey everyone! This morning while playing with my hens, noticed one of the brahams (about 7 months old) had a good egg-or-two piece of poop that's either frozen / dried onto her back feathers. Almost like an adult version of the pasty butt, except it didn't actually block the orifice. Hen was...
  18. Z

    After care for chickens after dog pack attack

    This morning some hesitancy for the easter egger (Butters) to come out, but by 11AM all 4 birds are scratching away in the run. Butters seemed more "spaced out" or "less excited" than usual? Perhaps I'm just projecting. All 4 hens laid this morning - 4 fresh eggs.
  19. Z

    After care for chickens after dog pack attack

    This is her dramatic flight away from danger caught by security camera. At this point chicken and dogs have escaped the run, and the chicken is visible flying away from danger
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