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  1. 5paceDandy

    Hatching Eggs, I think I might have oops’d!

    So this is my first spring with chickens and ducks. My flock consists of chickens (17 hens and 2 roosters), ducks (12 hens and 8 drakes) and 3 geese (all ganders). With the exception of 2 of my duck mammas, the entire flock is a year old, give or take a few months and up until about a month ago...
  2. 5paceDandy

    Ended Broodies & Their Babies Photo Contest

    Cheep-er by the dozen! First time mamma with her 12 little ones on day-1!
  3. 5paceDandy

    Is this normal??

    If the egg is not hers, but she sits on it and hatches it, will she then want to raise it as her own? Or will she recognize it’s not a goose and leave it to the ducks to raise? What about the ganders? Will I need to worry about them picking on it?
  4. 5paceDandy

    Is this normal??

    Hello all! I got my white Chinese goose (Isolde) from a hatchery as a hatchling in mid-July and then I got three African geese (I was told i was getting 1female and 2 ganders, though I now believe all the African geese are, in fact, ganders) in October, though having hatched in late May, early...
  5. 5paceDandy

    Is there any way to sex my geese?

    I had read that geese mate for life, so is having only 1 female a BAD idea? And they are still young (the white goose was born July 18th and the Africans are about a month-month and a half older), is it too late to try and balance out the ratio? Today I had one of the African geese attacking to...
  6. 5paceDandy

    Limping goose

    So, my goose is limping, I attached 2 links to videos of the goose limping. Is there something I can do at home to help treat this? Or should I try and find a vet?
  7. 5paceDandy

    Is there any way to sex my geese?

    I have 4 geese, 1 white Chinese and 3 African geese (I believe…). I am pretty sure my white Chinese is a female, and I was told that the 3 African are split, 1 female and 2 males, but I was never told which was which. Is there anyway to tell? Or does anyone want to venture a guess? The link...
  8. 5paceDandy


    They look like White Chinese Geese/White Chinese Swan Geese (I think they are the same). I am a first time goose dad, so don’t take my word on it, but going off the reading I have done and what the parents of one of my geese looked like, I would say they are white Chinese geese.
  9. 5paceDandy

    Is this a chicken egg??

    The color isn’t abnormal for my flock. I have something like, 10 or so different breeds in terms of my hens, though only 2 roosters, both the same breed. I didn’t open the first extra large egg, unfortunately (stupid, annoying situation, too long, but not interesting enough to type it all out)...
  10. 5paceDandy

    Is this a chicken egg??

    So, I have both chickens and ducks and they are all allowed to free range the property. My chickens have been laying now for a couple months, while my ducks have not yet started (I don’t think they have at least). They each have their own, separate coops and pens, but because they free range...
  11. 5paceDandy

    How do we help a gosling grieve and continue on after a death?

    I became the proud goose daddy to a pair of goslings in mid-July. I had ordered an unrelated m/f pair with the hopes that they could, eventually be eachothers life-mate. Tragically, after only a month, our little boy gosling, very suddenly, developed a viral infection and within two days we had...
  12. 5paceDandy

    Do I need to separate my drakes from the girls??

    Thank you both for your responses! I have started keeping the boys in what I had planned on being my goose house, as my goslings came a week late and as such are still barely a week old. Speaking of, meet Tristan and Isolde! My little goslings! They're a little tuckered out from a little play...
  13. 5paceDandy

    Do I need to separate my drakes from the girls??

    I have 4 boys and 11 girls. I got them in 3 batches with the youngest being about 2 months old (all girls) and all the boys are all 3-4 months old. The 2 oldest have just started (2 days ago) "surfing" on some of the girls backs. My question is, should I separate the boys from the girls until...
  14. 5paceDandy

    Update on my flock!

    So, if I do end up with a ratio of 4 males to 5 females, what would be the best way to balance out the ratio (to both keep my drakes from fighting over the ladies and protect the ladies from the horny drakes)? I am not against introducing a few more females to the flock, but if that would be the...
  15. 5paceDandy

    Update on my flock!

    My apologies for the lack of sound! I am uploading another video, this time with sound! Also, thank you, very much for the sexing link! Being able to hear the difference between the male and female voices made it much clearer what sounds I'm looking for! After listening to the samples, I do...
  16. 5paceDandy

    Update on my flock!

    Ok, so, my four "ladies" have grown up quite a bit and I think the verdict is in on the sex of my quartet! When I first asked for help sexing this group I did so thinking that I had 4 girls, though the consensus was that it more likely was that I had 3 boys and 1 girl (boy was that rough!) Now...
  17. 5paceDandy

    What breed are my 4 pretty ladies??

    Try this link instead. I hope this one works!
  18. 5paceDandy

    What breed are my 4 pretty ladies??

    Here is a link to a video I uploaded to my Google Drive. I tried to catch the ducks talking to me and each other. What does their voice say about their sex?
  19. 5paceDandy

    What breed are my 4 pretty ladies??

    This is pretty much the spitting image of my girls!
  20. 5paceDandy

    What breed are my 4 pretty ladies??

    To be completely honest, I have no idea for sure if they are ladies, or drakes. I figured because they are all brown, except for a few small white feathers and what looks like 1, or 2 blue feathers on the wing. I tried to post a small video clip, but it says it's the wrong file type. The clip is...
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