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  1. baileybiddi

    HELP! Egg broke inside of chicken?

    Good news, she’s doing great! I gave her an epsom salt bath and got the broken egg out of her. While I was blow drying her after the bath, she layed just the yolk with no shell. I kept her inside and she perked up overnight and she is back to normal. I’ve been giving her calcium citrate. Thanks...
  2. baileybiddi

    HELP! Egg broke inside of chicken?

    I noticed one of my hens acting off today. When I picked her up, I noticed this coming out of her. It looks like a soft shelled egg that broke/got stuck. I felt inside and it feels like there are broken egg shells. I’m currently giving her an Epsom salt bath, what else should I do for her?
  3. baileybiddi

    Hen getting her head pecked

    This is Poppy. Poppy is blind in one eye and is a very funny/strange chicken but is also very stupid. Anyways, because of her stupidity, she doesn’t fit in with the flock very well. She gets her head pecked all the time. So much that she’s balding and her head looks red and irritated. I have...
  4. baileybiddi

    Sick chick

    Her poop looks normal, not like coccidiosis poop. She’s been eating on her own and I’ve been giving her water and egg yolk. No signs of injury, she was acting completely normal yesterday. She mostly seems lethargic.
  5. baileybiddi

    Sick chick

    I have four 1 week old chicks with a broody mama right now. Her and the chicks and been doing great so far! This morning I went out to check on everyone and one of the chicks was all alone in the coop with her head and wings down, obviously not feeling well. She is not keeping up with mama and...
  6. baileybiddi

    Hens missing neck feathers

    Have you used the pinless peepers? I’m nervous about putting them on and taking them off.
  7. baileybiddi

    Hens missing neck feathers

    I have a few hens with missing neck feathers. It was a rough winter here and they were cooped in more than usual. I think it started out of boredom but now they have plenty of free range time and things to do but for some hens their feathers won’t grow back. I’ve tried Rooster Booster...
  8. baileybiddi

    Abandon duckling and broody hen

    Hello everyone! So yesterday my sister-in-law found two baby ducklings, probably only a few days old, that had been chased by a cat. She could not find the mom anywhere so she decided to take them in. (She already has some adult domestic ducks). One of the ducklings had some injuries and died...
  9. baileybiddi

    Egg bound or water belly?

    Good morning! I have a hen who is not acting herself this morning. She’s just standing around and acting very lethargic. I picked her up and her belly does feel a little swollen. Also, when I was holding her she started closing her eyes and her head was shaking. She was completely fine...
  10. baileybiddi

    Bumblefoot procedure that avoids surgery?

    Did you just use the PRID and the scab came off on its own or did you have to remove it? Last night I noticed one of our chickens has bumble foot and we applied the PRID salve. Not sure what to do next though.
  11. baileybiddi

    Chicken is limping, help!

    Originally for the left toe we removed the black scab and applied Neosporin and a bandage for a while. I also tried using Prid drawing salve. For the right toe with the missing toenail I haven't done anything besides soaking in an epsom salt bath.
  12. baileybiddi

    Aggressive hen

    Will she have troubles integrating back to the flock once she’s done being broody?
  13. baileybiddi

    Aggressive hen

    No, she’s still with the other chickens. Everyone has been fine so far until I noticed them fighting today. She’s been sitting on the eggs for 14 days now.
  14. baileybiddi

    Aggressive hen

    I have a broody hen who is sitting on a clutch of eggs right now. Everyday I give the girls in the coop corn and this is when the broody gets up and eats/drinks/poops. Today when I she was up, her and another hen would not stop fighting. Not like just pecking eachother but really attacking...
  15. baileybiddi

    Chicken is limping, help!

    Okay here is a chicken foot update: Poppy is not limping anymore and seems to be acting more herself. Although the original toe (left) I posted about is HUGE. It looks very swollen. The toe on her other foot (right) is also swelling up. Today I noticed that the right toenail is gone?! It was...
  16. baileybiddi

    Chicken is limping, help!

    Here’s her foot today. I didn’t notice any scratches or bruising.
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