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  1. I

    Help with RTL Hens

    We got 8 hens on 6/17 they were 15-16 weeks old. 3 barred rocks, 5 isa browns. Last week we got our first egg, however we keep just getting 1 egg a day for the last week, is there any reason that the other chickens are laying yet or is just anytime now before they all take off? First time...
  2. I

    Roosting issue

    So we used an old barn to mark a coop, there is a 6-8" ledge around the whole coop about 24" off the ground (foundation of old barn). I built a nice roost with 2x4's, however the chickens refuse to use the roost they just chill on the ledges all night long, they're only 17weeks, will they...
  3. I

    Help with new chicks not going into run

    We got 8, RTL hens on saturday, They're supposed to starting laying here within a couple weeks, however they refuse to go outside in their run. We made a coop out of an old area in our barn, its about 7x7 inside the barn, then we made a run outside the barn about 8x10, however the birds just...
  4. I

    Need run ideas

    I'm using a portion of our old barn for the coop, theres a 9x9 room that I can add a couple things too and make predator proof on the inside, however I'm going to make a ramp for them to get over the small concrete wall then cut a hole for a run outside. Trying to figure out the...
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