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  1. Raychul

    One out of eight stopped laying! Can't figure out why!

    Thank you all for the thoughtful replies! I'll check her vent and go from there!
  2. Raychul

    One out of eight stopped laying! Can't figure out why!

    Is this just a thing that sometimes happens? I have a flock of 8 birds. Everyone is laying except for our Blue Wheaton Amerecauna. She lay a handful of times, maybe 8-10, and then stopped. She is still doing the submissive squat. We have seen no evidence of shell, or anything to suggest...
  3. Raychul

    Duck mites? Injury? Help me diagnose my duck!

    Thank you so much Amiga! We will try the Epsom salt and I will discuss taking her to the vet with my partner. We are a small urban farm, we only have three ducks, and we have been watching them closely. No one is bothering her. She is missing's all just on her neck and face area...
  4. Raychul

    Duck mites? Injury? Help me diagnose my duck!

    we have put a tiny bit of hydrocortizone and calendula cream, as well as neosporin. We haven't been able to see any mites. Do you recommend an antifungal?
  5. Raychul

    Duck mites? Injury? Help me diagnose my duck!

    A couple weeks ago, we were letting our Indian Runner ducks out of their box in the morning, and we noticed a bloody scratch on our dear Biscuit's neck. I suspected an injury from a rat, perhaps? We cleaned her up, let her take a clean bath, and put Neosporin on the wound. She would NOT stop...
  6. Raychul

    "friendly" breed for urban farm?

    I've been thinking about geese for a while now. Maybe just goose. I have a small urban farm. 4 runner ducks, 2 nigerian dwarves. I'd like to add a goose to the mix. Are goose eggs good to eat? Is there a small breed that may do okay with my current animals? Can geese be raised to be friendly?
  7. Raychul

    One of my girls stopped laying...

    I'm fairly new to the duck world. We have 4 runner hens, two we raised from ducklings and they aren't laying yet, the other two are a year old and we got them about a month ago. So for the past month we've almost always had 2 eggs every morning. For the past 3 days, I've only had two. I leave...
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