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  1. sgivens

    Black Copper Marans 3

    BLACK COPPER MARANS Our Marans trace back five generations to the Grisham line of birds. At Critter Creek Farm (National Poultry Improvement Plan number 786) we specialize in only dark Marans egg layers. One hundred percent of our breeding stock have feathered shanks (legs). Our hens have...
  2. Marans Black Copper Marans

    Marans Black Copper Marans

    Marans Black Copper Marans Created by sgivens Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: The Marans was developed in France in the mid 1800's in the town for which they are named. They made their way to England in the early 1900's, and quickly became Very Popular for their Very Dark...
  3. Breeds


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