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  1. GardenState38

    Blue Silkie Hen and Red Pyle OEG bantam cross?

    My blue Silkie is broody and sitting on two eggs. Pretty certain the father is an OEG red Pyle rooster (I have a white Silkie rooster, but he appears to be asexual 😂) I haven’t been able to find any posts describing this cross—more often, the hen is the OEG (which seems almost counter-intuitive...
  2. GardenState38

    Silkie @10 weeks — Too soon to tell?

    This is one of two silkie chicks I got from Tractor Supply. The other is white, much larger (I know you can’t compare different colors) and has begun to crow 😂 I can’t help but compare, and the comb on this chick is much less developed. Also has a much more skittish, non-confrontational...
  3. GardenState38

    10 week Silkie gender reveal 💙

    The jig is up. I have at least one Silkie cockerel. He crowed this morning, at 10 weeks old. A quiet crow, but a crow nonetheless. I suspect they will get louder and more frequent? The lack of wattles was giving me a shred of hope, but the puffy comb and fully feathered feet …and constant...
  4. GardenState38

    NJ/Eastern PA Peeps! Two Friendly EE cockerels

    Two very tame and lovely young (10 weeks) cockerels. Good temperaments (Especially the browner one with bigger comb)—even getting along with two bantam cockerels. Out of 5 TSC straight run chicks, I got 4 roos 🥺 Heartbroken to have to part with these guys, but I have a small suburban yard...
  5. GardenState38

    Help with TSC Bantams

    I purchased three straight run bantams from Tractor Supply, and now worry that they all may be cockerels 😰 The first is my FAVORITE. Flies up onto my shoulder, nestles into the crook of my arm... just a really special little chick (Japanese Bantam?) The comb has me quite worried... Next is an...
  6. GardenState38

    EE “straight run” purchase from TSC

    Knowing I was going to be homebound for weeks, I decided to just run to Tractor Supply to buy some chicks, rather than wait for mail order. They are now 4-5 weeks old. Back story: I have been trying for 9 years to get a blue or green egg layer for my small backyard flock, and failed every time...
  7. GardenState38

    Only one day on antibiotics: How long do I wait?

    Last weekend, my little banty was under the weather and I took her to an avian vet. Turned out she had a slightly impacted crop, most likely, and it was resolved withn a day (thank goodness!) Anyhow, he had given her a dose of antibiotics the first day, as a safeguard. Since it seemed that an...
  8. GardenState38

    My First Egg! Almost 20 weeks to the day!

    December 1, 2011: As usual, I came home during my lunch hour to luncheon with my girls. I noticed my Cuckoo Marans, Lidia, was sitting in a nest box and making a bit of a racket. Could an egg be imminent, I wondered?? Hated to leave them, but had to return to the office. Sure enough, there was...
  9. GardenState38

    Solution For Winter Warmth! (j/k)

    A natural, fire-proof, fool-proof way to keep your flock warm! Just bringing a little levity to the debate about heating the coop... Unfortunately, these poor New Zealand penguins have been contaminated by an oil spill and to keep them warm and keep them from preening themselves, (they are...
  10. GardenState38

    Is this Really A Black Copper Marans?

    After originally placing an order for 4 chicks with MPC, I saw that they suddenly had BCMs available for my July hatch date, and called to add one on to my order (indicating no substitutions) I received 5 chicks and the one that I believed to be the BCM has had me wondering if it really is...
  11. GardenState38

    Transitioning to coop during crazy weather

    I'm new to raising chickens, but have done my homework and found that common sense goes a long way, too. However, I cannot find any clear answers in any of my books to several questions I have (which, to me, seem pretty elementary). I'm transitioning my flock from brooder to coop (at a time of...
  12. GardenState38

    Salmon Faverolle--Eloise or Elvis?

    This chick (now 8 weeks) was slow to feather out, and I've been worried about the fact that the beard is coming in black. Got the chick sexed (supposed to be a pullet) from MPC. Holds itself horizontally. I'm new to the breed--do some hens have a black beard, even if it's not apparently the...
  13. GardenState38

    Cocci vs. intestinal shedding?

    This morning, as my DH and I were watching the 5-week old chicks, my heart just about stopped when my Wyandotte made a dropping that looked like clear water with blood in it--a few beads of ruby-red blood clots. The next poop she made was also diarrhea-like and contained blood. I separated her...
  14. GardenState38

    Bait & Switch? Chick Starter Bag Labeling question

    I'm raising my first chicks, which are 1 week old today, and I'm new to the feed-buying experience. Some of you may laugh at my stupidity below: I've decided to feed my first chicks medicated feed, and my 5-lb bag of Manna Pro feed is getting low already, so I decided to take a drive out to an...
  15. GardenState38

    New Faverolle chick lethargic-Newbie needs help!

    I received my first-ever order of chicks today. All 5 were alive and the Faverolle seemed especially plucky--curious, eating, drinking, pooping... About 3 hours after they arrived, the Faverolle slowed down, seemed to get drowsy, one eye was squinty and began to spend most of her time under the...
  16. GardenState38

    July 18th "Due Date"! Anyone else?

    It seems that there are several of us who are expecting our orders of day-old chicks next week. This might be a good thread for us to keep track of our chicks, post pictures and compare their progress. I ordered mine from My Pet Chicken. My very first attempt at raising hens in my small...
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