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  1. ginnyj

    Day 19 of Hatch under broody...first!

    Thanks for the advice. The chick that I was concerned about died. It seems like the membrane shrinkwrapped around it...and it couldn't get out. I finally helped it get out and left the egg shell attached near the yolk area although it seemed completely dry and there was no blood. I put...
  2. ginnyj

    Day 19 of Hatch under broody...first!

    I am hatching eggs for the first time under a broody hen. Well, I am hatching eggs for the first time ever anyway. I put 10 fertilized eggs under my buff orpington on July 4th. I went out to check this morning and on one of the eggs, half of the shell is chipped away. The membrane is...
  3. ginnyj

    My first ever egg!

    I got my first egg today from my first chickens....I got them in May as little chicks. This is so cool! What an eggciting day for me!! Woohoo! It is a small brown one with a little bit of sticky stuff on the outside. I am sure hoping that is normal but I will keep checking the chickens...
  4. ginnyj

    The dreaded egg wait.

    I just got on today to see if there were other people in the same boat as me and I found this thread. I have 3 RIR's, 2 BO, and 1 Buff Rock (I don't know the abbreviation for that one). Anyway, they are about 21 weeks old. I never understood what people meant when they said their chickens...
  5. ginnyj

    Opinions on my Orpington cockerel?

    I'm new too so my opinion doesn't count...but I think he's very handsome. I have buff orpington cockerel that I have to rehome. Not allowed to have chickens so I don't want to advertise. I'm hiding my 6 hens behind my 6ft tall fence.... I think orpingtons are pretty birds!
  6. ginnyj

    "Spanking" a snake?!!?

    That's the coolest thing I've heard today! Imagine...aversion therapy for snakes.... Very interesting!
  7. ginnyj

    Pro Roo

    I live in a town near you that does not allow chickens at all. I have a big white fence so what they don't know won't hurt them...I have 8 chickens...tried real hard to get all girls but 2 turned out to be roosters. They are about 12 or 13 weeks so I am looking for a home for them before...
  8. ginnyj

    let"s play pullet or roo

    I have 4 RIR's the same age and one of mine that I think is a roo (looks and acts like one) has a big comb and wattles already..,.my other 3 look like I'm hoping yours and mine are girls!
  9. ginnyj

    Roo or Hen..... PLEASE HELP ME for the sake of my kids!!!!

    I am new to chickens also and have 4 buff orpingtons that are 12 to 13 weeks old. One has a comb as big as yours and I suspect he is a roo. The other 3 have no noticeable combs if I had to guess, I'd guess you have a couple of boys. Regards, Ginny
  10. ginnyj

    new member

    Hi from Florida! Welcome to BYC!!!
  11. ginnyj

    Feeding your chickens scraps from the kitchen

    Love the shirt...very funny!
  12. ginnyj

    Getting my first chicks next week! Scared to death!!

    Hi Kate, I am new to chickens also. Got my first chicks in May. Eight of them....they are all fine. I was worried when they were little because I had never had then before and with everything I read on BYC, I was just sure that something dreadful would happen. I probably spent too much...
  13. ginnyj

    Newbie with quick question...

    I got my first chickens in May. I have 4 RIR and supposedly 4 BO. Since being on this site, I believe I heard that BO chickens are buff color with white or cream legs. 3 of mine do but one looks exactly like the other BO's except has yellow legs. I will try to post pics but what would you...
  14. ginnyj

    ((Serious Gardening))

    My only harvest has been a few cherry tomatoes. Although I have squash BUGS, tomato CATERPILLAR type bugs... My cucumbers and peppers have been eaten by something too. Anybody have any organic solutions to getting rid of the bugs. I have been picking them off and giving them to the...
  15. ginnyj

    The Price Of DE.....Is It Always This Expensive???

    I had the same experience. Bought 5 lbs of DE at the Feedstore for $15. Then saw it on Amazon for much less. Ginny
  16. ginnyj

    please tell me your chickens names.

    4 Buff Orpingtons: Apple, Blondie, Caramel, and Dixie (but I think she's a boy!) 4 Rhode Island Reds: Esmerelda, Fern, Ginger and Henrietta These are my first them in May as chicks and am really enjoying them. Ginny
  17. ginnyj

    Our Coop

    Quote: X2...I want one!!!
  18. ginnyj

    Horseback Riders?

    Quote: I'm super jealous I want a foal. Especially one as cute as that. Congrats! Thank you. The same mare had a foal last year that lived only a few hours. We are thankful that this year's filly is healthy and doing well! Our horses actually live in Missouri and we live in Florida...
  19. ginnyj

    Horseback Riders?

    Just found this thread. My husband and I got our first horses 8 years ago. And last week we had our first foal. We have 2 geldings and a mare and now a filly. All Missouri Foxtrotters. Here's a photo of our new baby:
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