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  1. bloom_ss

    Blue Andalusians and Easter Egger, boy or girl?

    Thanks for your help! That would be awesome if they are all pullets! This is my 4th year with chickens and the only batch of chicks that turned out all girls was my very first year when I got six EEs. Since then I have had at least one or two boys every time. I really hope they are all girls...
  2. bloom_ss

    Blue Andalusians and Easter Egger, boy or girl?

    These "girls" are 11 weeks (3 Blue Andalusians) and 12 weeks (EE). I need to get some opinions on gender. I am fairly good at determining the gender of EEs but this all white one has me stumped. I also have three Blue Andalusians, all three turned out to be different colors and I have no...
  3. bloom_ss

    dog got my chicken, help!

    I just had a chicken get attacked by a dog. What could I put on her wounds? She has a few puncture wounds from the dog's teeth and she is in shock, breathing but not moving. Her wounds don't look as bad as some I've seen since it was a terrier that got her but they are definitely deep. I don't...
  4. bloom_ss

    Partridge Rock Roo??

    Forgot to add...7 weeks old today.
  5. bloom_ss

    Partridge Rock Roo??

    I'm thinking I got a roo again this year. :-/ Do I dare "wait and see," or do I need to start looking for a home for this little peeper?
  6. bloom_ss

    Buff Orpington mix?

    I don't think it's a golden sexlink...I have one and it is way more reddish than that and has definite white tail and wing feathers. I had a BO also and she was more golden color and didn't have such dark head and neck feathers. I am completely stumped with this one. LOL I guess it could be a...
  7. bloom_ss

    Breed Identification… Help please!

    #1 Not sure...does it have a bit of a beard?? I can't really tell from the pic. Fluff on the head could be polish background...or possibly silkie mix?? #2 Looks like it has green legs...EE cross of some sort maybe? Fluff on the head could be from a polish mix. #3 Could be a black sexlink, but...
  8. bloom_ss

    Help! What breed and/or gender is this?

    Rooster...looks like an Easter Egger.
  9. bloom_ss

    Age old question: roo or pullet? Black Australorp

    Looks like a girl to me. =)
  10. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    Ok, so just to be sure does anyone else have any thoughts on this little EE? I was watching him/her today and s/he is definitely the boss of the pen. I really am hoping for a girl, but I've never had one of my EEs feather out this color before. What about the darker feathers on it's back and...
  11. bloom_ss

    What are these girls? Are they girls?

    I agree with the guesses on #s 1 and 3. #2 could be an looks like it has green legs? I don't see a beard and muffs though...maybe a beardless EE?? Not sure about genders though...I might venture to guess that #2 and 3 are pullets, but I don't know much about brahmas except that I have...
  12. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    Thanks for the help...I really hope you all are right. I have raised EEs before, but none of them ever looked like this one. I would be thrilled if this one is a girl..."she" is so pretty and I wanted to name her Ellie. =) As long as she stays a she that is. lol
  13. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    That would be awesome if it is a girl. I really hope you guys are right.
  14. bloom_ss

    Do I have any pullets?!

    I have had two BRs turn out to be males and both of them had the definite barring (big white stripes with a few small black stripes) on the wing feathers from a very young age. The girl had mostly black with a few whitish spots on the wings. I can't really say 100% sure yours are boys yet...
  15. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    Oh, forgot to mention...BR and EE are 7 weeks old. BSL and BAs are 6 weeks.
  16. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    I got 7 chicks this spring and so far two turned out to be boys (one BR and one BA). I am pretty sure I have 2 BA girls a BSL girl and a BR girl left, but my EE is just confusing me. Is this a boy EE? Do the other 4 look like pullets to you or am I just being too optimistic?
  17. bloom_ss

    Buff Orpington Rooster? Please Help!!

    x2 I'm sticking with pullet also...I will be extremely surprised if this one turns out to be a boy.
  18. bloom_ss

    breed and gender help

    She has blackish skin color and a poof on her head...that is why everyone is saying she is part silkie. Personally, I would tend to agree with them but maybe a better picture of her whole body would help determine for sure. How many toes does she have? Does she have feathered legs or clean legs...
  19. bloom_ss

    lavender opringtons, 13/14 weeks old

    At this point I would think the ones with redder combs and wattles would be males. My buff orp first layed at about 20 weeks. I see a few definite males in there, but some of the pictures are hard to tell. My guesses for cockerels are numbers 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, the black one behind number 15...
  20. bloom_ss

    What type of Chicken is This?

    Definitely brown leghorns. =)
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