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  1. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Love the graph. This has me wondering what fermented oatmeal would taste like.
  2. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Disintegrating poop sounds great. Hopefully mine will do the same, I can't tell yet because the chickens are not quite accustomed to the ff yet. I'm sure it'll help reduce the risk of disease as well.
  3. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you for the explanation, very interesting reads! I hadn't thought of how the poop may make better fertilizer due to a reduced amount of phosphorous, very interesting indeed. I bet ff poo will burn the grass less than non ff poo.
  4. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    Games sound like great chickens. It seems like most people would never think of one going broody. Meat and broodiness are great qualities to have in one bird.
  5. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you for the explanation BlueMouse. I was wondering if maybe the mold spores are protein, lol.
  6. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    A couple times, I saw people asking about having a few birds of a different breed that are known for brooding like silkies or cochins to hatch chicks instead of having dual-purpose birds that do it. No one said what I was thinking, so I'll say it now. I have been around chickens my entire life...
  7. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm starting to understand. So basically, when feeding dry feed, not all of the protein is absorbed. When fermented, it still has the same amount of protein there, but that protein that wasn't absorbed before and was pooped out is now able to be utilized. Do I have it right?
  8. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I know it's been said that fermenting feed increases the protein %. However, when I look at my ff, I do not see how it's possible for there to be more than maybe a 2% increase. I just can't see it. I really like feeding the ff, but can someone please explain to me in simple terms how fermenting...
  9. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    It took me a couple weeks, but I finally read through all 131 pages of the thread! I learned a lot. I will be moving in 2 or 3 years and plan on applying a lot of the knowledge I've gained at the new place. I plan on building open-air chicken houses and using the four pen breeding plan...
  10. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Sumac for chickens?

    This year's sumac (not the poison variety) is ripe and abundant. I have made tea out of it before. I know the chickens will eat it, but I do not know if feeding them sumac is a good idea. Does anyone know if harvesting sumac would be good for the chickens and help save on feed cost?
  11. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    I think for folks like me, a dominique would be more practical than a PR or NH for a hardy and tough homestead fowl. They are smaller in build making them more affordable. They cost less to feed and take up less space in the coop. It seems like for a lot of people, some issues with heritage...
  12. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    I have had some pretty aggressive chickens before so I have some experience with this. The best way I've found to integrate new or young birds into the flock is to first integrate a couple (or whatever number works for you) of the flock in with the newbies. If they have some friends, they stand...
  13. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    I just went to the link you posted. So helpful! I now know that the worms in my compost bin that make me want to gag are soldier grubs and can be fed to the chickens. Yay! After reading, they aren't so gross. I already raise mealworms. I've got some good protein sources going here. I ferment my...
  14. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Pics Of Uncovered Sand Run After Rain (UPDATED AFTER 12 INCHES OF RAIN - POST 1)

    Looks great! I have some sand but not a whole lot. I need to put boards along the edge of the run to keep the sand from washing away.
  15. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    I agree. That's part of the reason why I want to go with dominiques. I have seen very few very nice doms with a u shaped back, wide spread tail, high chest, ect. I want to work to improve the breed and get them closer to being royalty of the American class. I like how doms are a little smaller...
  16. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    What are your thoughts on dominiques? I've been thinking about picking them as my breed.The all-American feel the dominiques have really gets me pumped.
  17. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    I just found this thread and am reading through it. As a young 'un, threads like this are super informative and I'm grateful for the resources.
  18. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I've been using the ff for two days now and I can already see a difference. The layers' combs are bright red and they look awesome! I'm excited to see how much better their feathers will look after this molt on the ff. I am using a milk jug with the top cut off and holes poked in the bottom in...
  19. Erin~TheChickenLover

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks for the response. I was just worried because I thought I read that you want a sweet smell, not a rotten smell. I won't worry now. My up-and-coming layers love the ff.
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