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  1. the simple life

    January-February Poult Availability?

    I saw some eggs on e-bay last week. It was only 4-6 eggs though and then the rest were pre sells for when the season really kicks in. Still, you could check it out and keep an eye on the auctions.
  2. the simple life

    Breeds and the Color of Pin Feathers

    Besides the all white breeds of turkeys are there any heritage breeds that don't have dark pin feathers? I thought I had heard that the Bourbon Reds and possibly Jersey Buffs had light in feathers but would like more info on other breeds before I start ordering poults this year. Anyone know...
  3. the simple life

    Meat birds on pasture/whole grains....anyone doing it? Breeds?

    My current batch of cornish are being raised with the rest of the flock, they free range all day and I have had zero problems with their legs or heart attacks. They do grow a little slower but appear to be healthier, I am amazed to see them up on the high roosts and doing everything the other...
  4. the simple life

    Trying Something Different

    I have heard Asians prepare their soy differently than we do here and that makes the difference. Something about their methods making it more digestable or something like that. I wish I could remember where I read that, maybe someone else will have more info.
  5. the simple life

    feed for broilers

    I start my meatbirds on the 30% gamebird starter and they do great, the one time I didn't and went with the lower percent feed they did not grow out as well and I had to let them go longer to get them to a decent weight. They also had more leg problems, I think the higher protein gives them a...
  6. the simple life

    Feeding Meat Birds 18% layer mash

    That is still better than 18, I have never seen 18 percent recommended anywhere for raising meatbirds. The op is asking if anyone has ever done the 18 percent for the duration and so far no one has. They may do "well" but take alot longer to grow out or never really fill out like they should...
  7. the simple life

    Turkey Dance & Sexing

    My males will grab ahold of the skin on the other one's neck and push his head down to the ground or pull him around like that to show dominance. You may have two males. Its hard to introduce a new one to the group, its better if you have more than one to integrate because they have each other...
  8. the simple life

    Got my first turkeys!! Pics Added

    I agree Steve, there is a big difference with actual experience and what you read. I raise cornish that I get from Welp Hatchery and the one and only time that I followed their directions on feeding and raising the cornish was the absolute worse results that I ever got and I have raised hundreds...
  9. the simple life

    When are they big enough to eat?

    That is a good size. Its a tough call but I would be afraid of losing it before you get to process it. I hate when one dies the day before I am suppose to process it. At nine pounds I personally would not risk it.
  10. the simple life

    Feeding Meat Birds 18% layer mash

    The protein seems awfully low to me. I didn't think they did well on anything under 23 percent or so.
  11. the simple life

    Got my first turkeys!! Pics Added

    Why can't the meatbirds and poults be on the same food? Many of us here start meatbirds out on the game bird feed or turkey starter that is 28 percent protein. I have raised turkeys and meatbirds on that same feed with great results. In fact the last time I raised meatbirds and cut back on the...
  12. the simple life


    I am really loving the poults I have now. Now that they are older I have been letting them out to run around the yard while I am working out there and they follow me everywhere I go. Its funny to watch 16 turkeys following me all over the place or the ones who aren't paying attention and look up...
  13. the simple life

    Sexing White Hollands

    I hatched out three white hollands about 6 weeks ago, two are larger than the other one. I notice those two also have tannish blotches on their heads compared to the all white head of the other one. So I had been assuming those are the males even though I have never seen them strut. I walked by...
  14. the simple life

    Saw something today that made me respect turkeys

    I hatched some bourbon reds that were the same size as my chicks and are actually smaller than my partridge rock chicks that are the same age. I picked up some day old broad breasted whites yesterday and I could not believe how much bigger they were, fat little roly poly thing.
  15. the simple life

    "Oops" the deformed turkey (photos may be disturbing to some)

    Meat bird? The op said it was a turkey and didn't mention they were raising it for the table.
  16. the simple life

    Peacocks Breeding Turkeys?

    Oh my Gosh that is so cute!
  17. the simple life

    "Oops" the deformed turkey (photos may be disturbing to some)

    I had a maran pullet like that as well, she was the most friendly chicken I ever had, she jumped up onto my shoulder every time I went into the coop. Here are some things to consider. Mine had a pretty severe cross beak and it usually gets worse at it gets older and your little one has it...
  18. the simple life

    Sexing Bourbon Reds?

    Well since mine came from Steve I guess I will be able to sex them with the black edging on the feathers.
  19. the simple life

    How to detect Blackhead?

    Try contacting your local agriculture office and ask them if its in your area.
  20. the simple life

    How much room does a goat need?

    Quote: I haven't been over there in a while but I was just thinking about it the other day. I will stop in this weekend to see what he has going on. He did have males in there but I don't know if they were bucks or whethers.
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