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  1. JACspivey

    Chick grit

    Since mine have been out in the run on a regular basis they've gotten a bigger variety of food. Beeltes,grass,ants, whatever they can scratch up. They got halved grapes last week and went bonkers over them. Like you said, if dirt is ok with momma hen then it's ok with me. Thanks!
  2. JACspivey

    Chick grit

    Better to be safe than sorry. To TSC we go.....again. haha.
  3. JACspivey

    Chick grit

    So they need something bigger than sand, and crushed sea shells won't do?
  4. JACspivey

    Chick grit

    So, I shouldn't be worried about it yet? They are only a month old.
  5. JACspivey

    Chick grit

    Just wondering if sea shells would be the same as oyster shell.I'm at the beach now and just thinking of ways to save an extra buck. Or will the sand they get from my yard be enough for them. They don't seem to have a problem now with mealworms, grass, and birdseed.
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