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  1. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow That previous pic was mine. The bird also about 1.5 years so raggedy looking. I think the birds nearing first molt show the most evidence of parasite activity, or at least it seems more obvious on them. Much of her damage was caused by mating. That pic is supposed to...
  2. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    OK, finally the pic I promised of my bird that the vet said had no CURRENT evidence of mites or lice...
  3. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Yes, that's where I stand as well... But I thought it might be something to consider if they aren't considered the same for the person WHO stated they are alternating between the two MONTHLY.
  4. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I would like this post 1000 times over if it were allowed!!! :highfive: I wanted to apologize for being delayed in posting the photo of my bird that was promised. For some dumb reason I can't find the file its going to on my chrome book and despite emailing it to myself twice from my phone it...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Great question! I like to know details as well. Yes, he is an avian vet. He said to check for them he would do a skin scraping, but there should still be irritated skin despite not actually seeing crawlies. And the feather shaft would be maybe lifted or something like that, maybe the skin at the...
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    So I forgot to report that I took one of my hens to the vet to check for mites as feathers are looking pretty rough and I have treated using Permethrin and could see no signs. It was depluming mites I was worried about. But also no mention of scaly leg mites on the Permethrin bottle. With more...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Wow, 1 gallon is a lot. :eek: I have a bottle that's maybe 20 oz which I have used for more than a year now for 2 goats 3 dogs and about 60 chickens. Lice do bite as far as I know, otherwise why your head itch so bad when you get them? Were you using DE already prior to finding the mites...
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Yes, but not ALL things you put on the only the surface will leave your eggs safe to eat. Reading labels is always recommended. This is specifically approved for use in poultry, and is safe when used ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTIONS. ;)
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Well, you CANNOT see all mites. Some varieties are microscopic. o_O :) Of course, you already said you could see the ones you were treating for.. so maybe a dumb comment. :p I pick up each bird at roost time and part their feathers, when I have two people. I always mess up and have a little...
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I wonder how many times I've been quoted and wondered why they did that but didn't reply, I never thought to open the quote. :p I will keep the edit suggestion in mind for next time I accidentally do that! :oops: :D
  11. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I thought the whole reply I typed got erased. But I see it accidentally got included to the quote part of the message... :rolleyes: It went as follows... I am unfamiliar with Carbaryl. I have used permethrin successfully for lice. Though I haven't seen any mites, doesn't mean they aren't there...
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Skip the DE... it's harmful to the chickens and you to breath or get in the eyes. Even though the body can repair the microscopic cuts meant to harm pest, doesn't mean it should have to. The area where my birds bathe turns into a chasm if I don't bring in fresh dirt. They carry the bath away...
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I would think you would need to dilute it to the proper strength to be able to treat safely with it. Your basic question, wouldn't it last longer... or be more efficient... Take bleach for example. Used in the proper strength it cleans your clothes. Used too strong and it eats them! So...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Yes, I will be buying Gordon's when I need to replace it. I bought the horse fly spray to help my goaties with mosquitoes before I even knew about treating chicken parasites, but since discovered this thread. The spray really does go a long way. When I see your info posted there... looks like...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I discovered my "horse fly spray" is actually on 5 or .5% permethrin... but I see zero evidence of parasite activity still!
  16. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Ugh... my broody breakers have girls in line for them to! Must be the season.
  17. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I really hope you don't give up chickens... But I would probably give them up before showering twice a day. Once you get it under control and realize it might even have seasonal flare ups, maybe it will get easier for you. I would consider breaking my broody's if they aren't hatching or...
  18. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    Ah... well, thanks for sharing! I too have a back roost that is too difficult to reach (they know it to) even for cleaning poo. So I will be removing that one very soon.
  19. EggSighted4Life

    Permethrin spray

    I haven't got to read the posts after yours yet... But NEVER chase your birds for treatment again! Simply wait until they go to roost and settle down. Then take yourself a flashlight and a helper, keep it dim so the other birds don't get up and start messing around... and simply take the birds...
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