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  1. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    We lost Susan this evening. Thank you for everyone's support with this. Wish it turned out better.
  2. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    any other holistic methods to deworm? not able to drop $100+ on deworming chemicals. also loses our organic certification if she does in fact lay eggs.
  3. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    Thanks for your support in this, Coach this morning, she pooped a super big poop! she held it in overnight which she hasn't done, she usually stands, poops, sits and falls back asleep. Lots of greens, along with lots of white, almost normal looking, but it was liquidy. she is grooming herself...
  4. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    ok this is the current status on poop.
  5. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    guys, there were maybe 3 or 4 of these maggots falling out of her vent this am. I pulled them out and then inverted a cup of water on her vent to drown them out. Also took a water dropper and sort of gave her an enema. She pooped one out in that liquid, but thats the last of them that i've...
  6. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    False alarm!! Shes got little white wormy maggots in her vent. Im going to flush her out with some water. Not good...
  7. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    Crop is empty this am. Was full last night, size of golf ball. Poop this am is WHITE! thats a good sign eh? Also is currently grooming herself a bit which I havent really seen herself do in a while. Her watery poop smell was basically none, because it was so watered down. Not terrible though...
  8. G

    Watery green poop HELP

    Hello. Farm favorite girl of mine has been in iso in my room for 3 days now. Poop is basically water with a bit of dark green pellet shaped poops. She doesn't move other than standing up to extend wings down and squeeze out all that liquid and when she does this she sort of grunts. She pants...
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