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  1. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    His age and no bad history... are looking to be in his favor still. So hopefully you will be able to manage without flipping his switch. Boys don't get to that age by being jerks so hopefully you all will live happily ever after. :)
  2. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    Don't chase him any more... or he may become aggressive towards you. In my experience, chasing escalates the situation. And I'm not trying to be seen as part of the pecking order. If you need to... look into some rooster training techniques, but the crowing AT YOU... that's a sign of things to...
  3. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    I know each situation will be different, and that we are here to learn from each other... Mating too much doesn't make a bad boy... it makes a boy... WHO doesn't have enough hens or maturity.... OR maybe something else. Aprons don't help the back of the head if it starts to bald. I personally...
  4. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    I would have have the boy locked in the small coop while she recovers... Why should SHE have to be the one who is separated if HE is the one causing the problem? :smack All my boys get a chance to mature and cool their jets a little before access to the ladies. :) And then I use limited access...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    I personally wouldn't switch feeds... just offer a little extra protein. Some scrambled egg, tuna, meal worms, chicken, peas, ground beef... whatever. The pacing and ticked is normal... and yes, hard for us to watch. IF I did switch feeds it would be to a flock raiser or unmedicated...
  6. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    Feather fixer... has about 18% protein... and it USE to contain sulfur to fight mites. Hens DON'T lay during molt. The extra calcium will be processed and excreted. And extra oyster shell is NEVER needed during molt. Please note... it isn't JUST about the protein... it's about the amino acids...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    bleeding from being pecked during molt

    I agree it doesn't sound like molting... can you post pics? Layer is usually 16% protein and it's listed on a tag that is sewn to the bottom of the feed bag. But it isn't just about protein it's about too much calcium in layer for birds not in lay. If fed long term *can* (doesn't mean will)...
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