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  1. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I would agree with you. If you have to build something new just for that, it’s not worth the trouble.
  2. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I had my drake run after my cayuga ducklings and chomp on their blood feathers this week. It screamed and I was already running. I honestly smacked him. I know I didn’t hurt him but it pissed me off. He’s now in jail. My females from different “flocks” are decent to each other if I remove my...
  3. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    That sounds like a good idea. I try to always put someone who is laid back in with an injured one. They are a lot more happy that way.
  4. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    What little turds........
  5. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    It’s like raising kids “sorry kiddo, I know you don’t like it but I know what’s best for you”. I bet she gets stronger in no time.
  6. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    Oh no poor baby. That’s just awful. I’m glad you were there to save her. I bet she knew you saved her also. Do you have any fish oil capsules? Or fish, flax, and borage oil capsules? If you put those in her food, she will make more oil. Which I understand she’s having difficulty putting her...
  7. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I’m sure all dogs are different, but my wiener dog thought all the ducklings were her babies. She’d pick them up and bring them back to her. Just to have them run off again. She was a good Momma.
  8. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    @Patrick McKee Im so glad the closing of this week has turned out so well for you. Congratulations on raising such a high achieving child!!:clap:clap:clap I’ll pm you about the cayugas.;)
  9. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

  10. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    Awwww....... they are sooo big now!:love
  11. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    Let me know if you want to incubate some. I can send you a ton of cayuga eggs on me.
  12. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    See Dad. You are doing great. She’s doing great. Take some Benadryl and get some much needed sleep. I bet you both are exhausted.
  13. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I woke up this morning hoping she was doing better!:celebrate:weeIm so glad she is doing better! What do her wounds look like Patrick? I’d be a little worried the infection would come back if she went to the pond. Can you catch her easily? What do you think? How many days did your friend say to...
  14. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I sure wish I lived closer. I would help you with her.:hit I just know she’s gonna make it. Seriously stop beating yourself up.:hugs If it wasn’t for you, she would be dead by now. She is so blessed to have you. She’s in the small percentage of ducks that are pampered. She will get back to...
  15. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I sure hope she starts to feel better!:fl:fl:fl
  16. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    It’s not very often they will attack when you bring a friend in. Mine have never done that. How could you have known. Sometimes when we are healing we get worse before we get better.
  17. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I’m pretty sure casportpony has suggested Ensure before. It’s high calorie. But baby parrot formula might be better. I don’t have any experience with it.
  18. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    :gig:gig:gig:gig That picture is priceless!
  19. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    Yes and she can see them now and be right up close if she wants to. Which I bet makes her feel a lot better. I have two Pekins cooped up right now in a pen like yours. One is the friend and the other hurt her ankle. But the only way for such a hefty bird to get her swelling to go down is not to...
  20. CayugaJana

    Animal attacked my Rouen...not sure what to do.

    I don’t think that’s super unusual. She’s probably not used to staying up on the porch and away from her flock. Plus with the attack, she’s on high alert. Sounds like you are right on track. It’s a great sign she’s trying to preen and at least drinking. By now I’m sure you’ve researched tube...
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