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  1. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Yes, I miscalculated my lockdown date. Oops!
  2. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Put my 6 silkie eggs on lockdown Sunday. Today 3 pipped and one just hatched! Look at that foot!
  3. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Slowly fluffing up, but more lethargic and smaller than the others. The spot dried up and appears to have a scab. It doesn’t look so bad now. We’ll see- thanks for checking in.
  4. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Woke up to 7 (out of 7) hatched babies! One was bleeding so took him out. Maybe not fully done? I blotted it with a warm wet paper towel and it cleaned up a bit. I left him in the incubator to dry out more and see what happens.
  5. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    One hatched so far! Off to bed, will hopefully wake up to more!
  6. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Got 1 pip and 1 other that’s rocking and chirping. It’s *so hard* to resist opening the incubator!! I want to help them along - what if the one that hasn’t pipped, can’t? I may have to leave the house!
  7. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    That's a bummer, but thankfully you got the trio!
  8. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    So disappointing. I paid an large sum for silkie eggs off eBay (got into a bidding war, got carried away) and today is day 5. So candled and.... not much. Out of 13 - all clears except 2. :(:hit
  9. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Today is lockdown! I candled them once more and one was an obvious dud. Broke it open and looks like it quit around day 9 or 10. The others I'm really not so sure about. The air cells are oddly shaped, one even extends down the side of the egg. Now that they're no longer in the turner, I swear...
  10. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    I’d believe it! Used to take a commuter train that went behind a UPS sorting center and they were spinning and chucking boxes into the huge sorting bins, no attention paid to fragile stickers or tossing large boxes ontop of small ones. - it’s any wonder how anything survives that! I’m sure USPS...
  11. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    I think this is the first time I've ever been super looking forward to a Monday! That's when my first batch goes on lockdown. They're the ameraucana batch -- man, those blue eggs are hard to candle. I might have to just do the sniff test and hope for no "exploders" right before lockdown. Or...
  12. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    They're moving around because I'm moving the egg around... and I'm not even moving the eggs all that much it just seems like some are slipping and sliding around inside I don't see any independent movement from inside either. Not sure if it's because the shell is too dark/thick and my light...
  13. B

    February Hatch-A-Long

    I'm late to the party, but I've got 2 sets of eggs in the incubator! One set of Ameraucanas due Valentines day, and a set of silkies due 2/20. The poor silkie eggs got delayed in shipping due to the polar vortex so not entirely sure if they're ok but figured might as well pop them in and see...
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